The Truth

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We made to the originally hotel alive. Isabella grip was tight. It showed on my shirt. Camila stood beside us,alerted.

" Hey," Zendaya smiled back at us. We both approached the elevator at the same time. She was with Dinah, who smiled nervously.

" What did ya'll do last night?" I smirked. They both got really flustered. Ya nasty!

" We watched movies and played games," Dinah answered, stepping in the elevator.

" Is this Isabella?" Zendaya coed. Bella hid in my shoulder.

" I use to be shy to, munchkin. I had to do kindergarten twice. I can promise," I won't hurt you."

" Mommy," she looked at me for reassurance. Nodding my head, I kissed her forehead.

" Come on," Dinah said, grabbing Zendaya's hand. To be honest, they were cute together.

" One day, I want to be like that. Open about our relationship,"Camila whispered in my ear.

" Me too," I agreed. As we were walking, we ran into Isabella's mom again.

" Where did ya'll go?" She asked, fury in her eyes. She did her best to hide it.

" I was taking my daughter out to see the city," I smiled before walking into Normani's and Ally's room. Camila snickered at her face. Bella didn't find it funny at all.

Zendaya stayed for a couple of minutes before leaving. She pecked Dinah's lips before going. I'm assuming this is more than a one night stand.

" Guys guess what Lauren did today," Camila smirked. Everyone glazed at us. Isabella didn't look up from my phone. She sat on the bed, playing a makeover game.

" Isabella's mom is here, so Lauren thought it was a good idea to call Izzy her daughter right in front of her."

" Was she pissed?" Dinah laughed. Ally jaw dropped.

" Yeah, she was very mad," I responded. My hair was being straighten. Wanted to try something new.

" Wait! She's here? I think it's time for us to tell them," Ally said, worriedly. We all have her a confused gazed." The fans. We should tell them the truth. Then, get some paperwork done. No way is Isabella going back with them."

I was scared, honestly. This girl could get killed any minute. The three weeks with her as been the best time of my life.

" I want to adopt her, Ally," I admitted. Everyone glances at me even Bella. Matt sent me a disapproval one. He didn't say a word though. " Isabella, how would you like me being your mom permanently?"

" Love it," she giggled. Ally, being herself, was crying.

" You guys can be the god mothers," I directed towards the girls. Dinah swept Isabella up from the bed, kissing her face numerous times.

" You are a Jauregui," Dinah squealed. Isabella laughed." I'm going to spoil the hell out of you."

" Maybe one day I'll be your Mama," Camila smirked from her seat as Matt were curling her hair. I sent a smile back at her.


Ally wanted to carry Isabella, so she did. Ally and Isabella have a different bond than from the rest of us. It kind of made me kind of jealous. Ally and Isabella bonded like sisters.

" Want me to see if I can get Will to let us go to the Waffle House, presciosa," she said to the little girl.

" Yeah."

" Yeah? Well, I'll go ask."

Camila held my hand the minute we walked in. We didn't care if people here knew really. It was just outside.

" They're shooting a takeover for us," Normani whispered to us. Shit we forgot about that. I left go of her hand, giving it a kiss first.

" Isabella is a little tired," Ally said to the camera. Bella's head was tucked in her neck.

" Isabella is the only person on the tour shorter than Ally," Dinah joked.

" Shut up!"'she gasped. We laughed from the side.

" You nervous?" Camila asked me, worried. My heart was beating. There was this weird feeling in my stomach.

" Yeah, but I'm doing a good thing right? I'm saving her. She was on the street when I met her. When I took her to the doctor, I found out she was not growing how was suppose to. I've been helping her. She seems healthier."

" Don't over think  it,Lauren," she smiled, comforting." Harmonizer will be happy you are telling them the truth and becoming so responsible."

I was going to kiss her, but the camera was right there taping us. I sent a friendly smile back at her then walked away to Ally. She was patting Bella's back while she slept.

" When are we going to start?" I asked her. She shrugged.

" They told me soon," she answered. Dinah fell asleep on the couch with Camila on top of her. Well, she didn't get much sleep last night.

" Where is Mani?" I questioned. Ally pointed to the restroom. My hands started shaking.

" I wonder how it would feel to have Lauren Jauregui as my mom," she chuckled. Smiling, I really thought about it. I think I'll make a good mom. I never done anything horrible to Bella.

" You girls are on," Will informed her. I was so scared. Literally, I was shaking. I sat between Dinah and Ally. They tried to calm me down. It just didn't work.

" Where's Bella?" I, voice shaking, questioned. Will pointed to the couch where Dinah was sleeping at. All I saw was her curly hair and her backside.

" Lauren, it is okay. Some people will agree with you while others won't. It's normal," Normani said to me.

" It isn't that. I'm doing this with it her mom's consent. She will get really pissed off," I responded.

" The only reason she wants her is because we have her. We don't even know how long she was on the street for," Dinah added in. We got stated with the interview. It was mainly just is talking. The camera guy asked us a few questions from the fans on Twitter.

" @Kordeieveryday says I'm sorry Lauren about your loss in your family. PS Isabella is a cutie," he read out loud. Everyone gazed at me. Time to tell the truth.

" I lied about that. We never lost anyone in our family. When we were in Miami , Mani and I were out. I lost my earring, so I told Mani to go to bed without me. We had an early call tomorrow. While I was looking for it, Isabella came up to me calling me Mommy. I told her I wasn't her mom. I still felt like I needed to help her. I took her upstairs. Got her dressed and bathed. She was on the streets for a while. She doesn't know stuff a 4 year old should know."

" She has been an amazing little girl to hang out with," Camila stopped me from rambling.

" I'm thinking about keeping her. It's still up for discussion," I lied again. It wasn't. I was keeping her. Period. That was our last question, so we headed out. I went to go get food while Ally went to go get Bella. She was taking forever.

" You did good," Dinah told me. I nodded. I hope I get a lot of positive feed back.

" Guys," Ally came in sobbing." Isabella is gone."


Wow this is over 1,000 words. I don't know if I'll be updating this story soon again. The next chapters might me really long. I might just cut it into parts. Hope you enjoyed. :)

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