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After the show, I rushed to the showers. I pulled Isabella with me. We needed to take a shower before the girls did. We probably need a little more time than the others.

" I am taking a shower with you," I told her, undressing. She was scared. I knew she was scared of me sexual abusing her. Every time I changed her, she would start to get terrified.I wish she could tell me. I want to help her.

" Lawn," she whispered." Lou touch me."

I didn't know who he or she was. I just knew I was pissed. The people in her life before abused her and neglected her. It isn't fair for this to happen to a girl this young.

" Bella, I love you. I'll protect you from Lou. No one will touch you ever again like that. I will kick Lou's ass when I find him," I informed in just my bra and underwear. She giggled at my use of language. She took my hand into the shower. I bathed her in some areas then let her bathe herself in others.

I sat Bella on the counter as I brushed her hair. We were in our pajamas already. The girls were all in the shower. Bella and I were almost ready to go to bed.

" You look beautiful like always. Now, go brush your teeth," I told her, putting her on the floor. Just as she left to get her tooth brush, Camila walked in.

" Hey," she smiled. She started to brush her wet hair. Admiring her, I got flustered." Lauren, it is obvious you like me. The girls know it. They know I love you. Why are you afraid?"

" I don't want something to happen to the group, Camz. I am scared that something bad will happen that we can't fix. I already have Isabella to-"

She didn't let me finish before kissing me. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I kissed her back. It was a passionate kiss. I kiss that I will probably regret in the morning.

" I love you, Lo. Just give us a try, please. It is all I ask."

" Okay, I will," I smiled back. Squealing, she jumped in my arms. I laughed. Camila put herself back on the floor.

" Camz?" Isabella called for the day with a smile.

" Yes, Baby," she replied.

" Pizza?"

" Yes, we are still going to get pizza," she laughed" But Lauren need to put real clothes on so she can come with us."

Chuckling, I went to my suitcase to get real clothes. It took me a couple of minutes to get dress and apply light make up.

" I'm ready!" I yelled. Isabella was in Dinah's arms when I walked in. She was laughing at something Normani said. We walked out to a pizzeria down the street. Since we were in New York, paparazzi was everywhere. Isabella kept her head in Dinah's shoulder. Ally was whispering stuff to calm her down.

" Dinah who is that?" one person asked.

" Lauren's cousin. She will be touring with us for a while," Dinah smiled.

" She looks like you," one of the commented.

" She does, but she looks so much like her mom aka my mom's cousin," I replied.

" Ally!Camila! look over here!"

They were calming Isabella, so she wouldn't be scared. Normani and I tried to block the cameras. We eventually made it to the pizza place.

" Are you okay?" Dinah asked the girl as she put her on her lap.

" Yeah," Bella whispered.

" I am going to go order the pizza," Camila got up. Ally explained to Isabella what the paps are and what they did.

" Lauren, it isn't your fault," Mani rubbed my upper arm.

" I know, but I feel like it is. Her life shouldn't be like this," I responded.

" Her life was crap before this. You know it. You saved her. You are giving her more love than she ever had."

Smiling at her words, I gained a little confidence. I knew she was right. As much as I shouldn't, I see her as my daughter.

" Lawn," Bella pointed to the play place. I nodded and went with her." Come."

" Baby, I am too big. Ask Ally," I joked. Ally sent me a glare. She actually was tall enough to get in, yet she stayed out with me. Numerous of times, Isabella would go down the slide and laughed while doing it.

" She's having soo much fun," Ally laughed.

" She is," I agreed, laughing too.

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