Witness Protection

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Zendaya sat in front of me with tears in her eyes.Even though she's an actress, I know they aren't fake. She was hurt so bad.

" Zendaya, I'll be here for you. I believe you. Just tell me all you know," I whispered, running my finger through her hair. Her gaze went up to mines.

" They said they're flight was leaving tomorrow. They were moving hotels when I checked. They shouldn't be far from here," she informed. Softly, I kissed her on the lips. Her hand was on my face when she kissed me back.

" Please, just stay safe," Zendaya muttered." I know we literally just met. I just want you to know that I love you. I would die if you get hurt."

I nodded at her. The guy before me came back in the room. I was assisted out to see Lauren again and my mom. They all sent me a smile.

" Did it work?" I questioned.

" Yes, now you and the girls need to be under witness protection. Zendaya will be there too. There is a place for each of the girls near by their location. I'll send them the information," he stated.

" Will Zendaya and Dinah be with me?" Lauren asked the guy.

" Probably since you are in the same location, but you won't be able to talk to the other girls."

Lauren, frustrated, ran a hand through her hair. She was worried about not being able to make sure the other girls were okay. Especially, Camila. Not just because they were dating because she was alone. Normani and Ally are in Texas.

" Will people know about Isabella missing ? Like are you going to put out a missing person flier out," Lauren says with her finger in her mouth.

" Yea, but y'all need to go to your safe house first."

  We left to go get our stuff. I didn't know how to feel about leaving my family at a time like this.

" Dinah," my mom called as I was  taking my suitcase down the stairs. I stopped to go to where she was.

" Yes?"

" Please don't fuck anything up while you are there. Also, I love you. I can't imagine something happening like this to any of ya'll," she referred to my siblings. Nodding, I hugged her before saying my goodbyes.


Troy and I finally went on a date in the park. We were so happy to see each other. Troy did his best to take my mind off of Isabella. Oh I miss her so much.

" Ally?" He called me out my thoughts.

" Yes," I responded. His gaze went to the floor.

" Am I doing a bad job at making you feel better?" He asked. I got on my tippy toes to give him a kiss.

" No, I'm just worried. I have no clue what is going on. I don't know if they are closer to finding her or no where near," I informed. His arms went around my waist.

" I am scared that something will happen to you and the girls," he admitted." Who ever took her was in the same room as you both. They could be anyone. Plus all of you are no where near each other."

" Troy? I jus realized something," I slowly stared off.

" Yes, baby?"

" We got a new stylist. He left during the kidnapping. He told Mani and I that he was going to visit his cousin."

" You think he is apart of it?"

" I do. He acted weird around Lauren. Also, Isabella didn't seem to trust him. A kid instinct?"

Troy kissed me one more time. Then, took my hand to lead me to the car. We needed to go home to call the police. The sooner we told them the better.

" Ally, baby, look!" Troy pointed in front of my house. Police cars filled my parking lot. Outside my house was Normani and my parents.they all looked terrified. Before the car stopped, I ran out.

" Whats going on?" I asked, interrupting the conversation before.

" We are going under Witness Protection," Normani informed me." Zendaya told the police they threatened to kill us."

" How is she involved?"

" They wanted her to take the blow," Normani rolled her eyes. Poe Zendaya. I can only imagine how Dinah is feeling.

" All the girls are there except Camila," the police told me.

" What happened to Camila?" Troy questioned.

" She is missing now also."

Crap, I was too late.


ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER. I updated sooner than I thought. I added some Trolly. I'm trying to add all of the girls. Camila POV is up next

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