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Ally helped me with Isabella. She gave me her jacket to cover her face from the paparazzi. I knew she was confused about what was going on. They let me leave first, so I can hurry up and get into the van.

" Lauren! Lauren! Ally!" I heard from the side with hundreds of flashing lights. A soft whimper came from the little girl in my arms. Her head was tucked further in my neck. Her body was trembling in fear.

" Shh! Lauren got you, baby," I whispered to her getting in the car. Ally climbed in next to me. Normani sat next to her as Dinah and Camila sat in front of us. This car had the seats facing each other, so it was easier to talk to everyone.

" Meet Izzy, Lauren's cousin," Ally smiled to Will. Holy shit. Did Ally just lie?

" She's cute. Where is her parents?" Will asked, glancing back at us from the passenger's seat.

" They're gone," I swallowed, hoping not to make it obvious I was lying.

" I am sorry," Will frowned. Camila and Dinah smirked at me as Normani was still shocked this is happening. Bella wiped her tears from her eyes. She stared at Ally since Ally was talking. She was studying her to see if she would trust her.

" Bella, do you want me to hold you or do you want to sit between Ally and me," I asked her. She responded by holding me tighter.

" It is going to take her some time, Lolo," Dinah said after she saw me frown.

" I don't want to force her but I want to help her heal from this," I replied. Her finger played with mine. Oh fuck! I forgot her doll. We pulled up in front of the store. They gave us money and told us they would be parked in the back. Isabella sat in the basket as we strolled around.

" Should we buy Izzy some clothes?" Camila asked while we walked into an aisle for girls her age.

" This is so cute," Normani squealed, picking up an outfit. It was pink and had You know you love me in sequins.

" We are going to go look at the section for some sippy cups," I informed, pushing the cart to the toddler section.

" Chupón!" Bella scream,pointing at the pacifiers. Isabella acts like she's one more than four years old. It kinda concerned me.
" No,Bella. You are too big for that," I shook my head. Bella started to bawl her eyes out.

" Don't spank me," Bella cried, covering her face. Gently, I kissed her forehead.
" I will never ever lay a hand on you," I said, stern. I know how I said to the others I am not the mom, yet I look at her like she's is my own.

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