They Are Coming For Us

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The girls decided to go to the after party as I stayed at the hotel with Isabella. It was past her bedtime. I wanted her to be on a schedule. It would be easier to schedule things with her on one.

" Mommy, read to me?" Isabella questioned, holding my hands.

" Yes, baby," I answered." I will read to you."

" Yay!" she squealed. I laughed. We walked in the elevator, surprisingly, we weren't alone. I accepted everyone to be asleep at this time. I guess not

" Camz has a folktale book," I told her. Bella was silent, hiding behind me. There was two other people here.A guy and a woman. The woman had dyed blonde hair, that's was dead from the chemicals, with eyes like mine. The guy was tatted and had dark hair with a tan.

" Is this your floor?" She asked as the door opened. It was but I didn't think it was a good idea to step out.

" Yeah, but I forgot my charger in the car. I just realized I didn't grab it when I grabbed her," I fake smiled, picking up Isabella. They sent me s glare. They left on the same floor as me.

" Mom and Lou," Bella whispered in my ear. It was comforting though to hear her call her mom as if she didn't know what else to call her. I was her mommy.

" I'll protect you," I replied, kissing her cheek. I carried her in the van. She sat on my lap as I called Camila.

" What's up Babe? I'm on my way to the hotel," Camila said over the noise.

" Isabella real mom and Lou, a guy that hurt Bella, is here. They are in the same floor as us. I am in the van freaking out," I informed her. She was silent for a while.

" Wait for me," Camila said." We can leave. I'll hold you and her tight. No one is coming near my girls."

" Camz, I am scared. Hurry. Bella needs to get to bed."

Camila stayed on the line with me till she arrived. Isabella fell asleep in my arms. I carried her up as Camila was ahead of me.

" Camila, be careful," I warned, stepping into the elevator. Camila kissed my temple.

" I am," Camila reassured." No one is coming near you guys."

" Or you, Camz," I stated. She nodded back at me, not sure. In the hallway, they stood by their door.

" I have the card," Camila commented. Their eyes shot through the my head. Isabella started to fidget. She was having a nightmare.

" Bella, wake up," I murmured in her ear. Slowly, she awoken. Her body was shaking.

" Come in," Camila said, opening the door. Drowsy, Isabella crawled under the sheets. We locked the door and windows, completely.

" Camz, sleep with us," I begged. With out no word, she crawled in bed with us.
Short chapter because drama is coming soon.

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