It Ends Here

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Lately, I've been forced to clean and cook. I was like a nanny in this house. My job was to watch Isabella also. I didn't mind that. It's the punishments I hated. They'll force me to hit her or put her back in the cage. Isabella knows I didn't meant it. I tell her every night.

" Camila," Avalon called me." Looks like your going to make a visit."

Oh shit it was Wednesday. Finishing wiping the counter, I followed her. My hands got all sweaty.

" What's going on?" I asked.

" You'll get the money for us," Lou confirmed, putting his shoes on.

" If they try anything, they're dead," Matt added. I already had my shoes on. I went outside for two seconds to take it the trash in the back.

" Come in,Princess," he said opening the car door. The car stayed in the garage. It hardly ever was in the drive way. Lou drove while Matt held me in the back seat so I won't escape.

" Did they tell us who is doing the drop off?" Matt asked from the backseat. Lou shook his head.

" It could be any one of the girls."

" What do I do?" I said, confused.

" If you were fucking listening, you pick up the cash. Don't fucking try anything!"

" I-I won't."

We drove for about half an hour. My heart started to beat. What if they were going to kill me? They weren't going to pay them. They said they'll kill me if they didn't. Who is going to take care of Isabella? Who is going to annoy Dinah like I am? Who is going to going to irritate Normani with their huge mess more than I do? Who's going to eat the batter from Ally's mix when she's not looking like what I do? Who's going to love Lauren like she loved me?

" We are here," Lou informed. " Walk her half way then come back."

Matt nodded before dragging me out the car. Roughly he pulled me arm for about 10 minutes till we reached a trail.

" Follow it. They'll be waiting be for you," he growled. I did as told. The area was swampy. The air felt so nasty on my skin. As I got closer, I saw a silhouette. Quickly, I rushed over to see who it was.

" Camila!" I heard. Automatically, I knew it was Lauren. Crying, I ran into her arms.

" I missed you so much,baby," Lauren kissed my forehead." Have they don't anything to you?"

" No, I just basically watch over Isabella. They make me do bad stuff to her. I feel like she won't trust me anymore," I confessed. She took my hands.

" She will trust you. I promise. Tell Isabella I said I love her and that I'll always be her mommy," Lauren, softly kissed me.

" I will, Lauren. I love you," I told her.

" I love you, too," she smiled. Her smile dropped as she passed over the brief case that held the money. Hugging her one last time, I Started to walk back. Tears started to fall as I reached the car. Matt was waiting there for me.

" Get in!"

I didn't say anything. I just did as told. The drive was long. The guys laughed and joke about what they were going to do with the money. I yearned for Lauren's touch the father we went away. Maybe that was the last time I'll see her.

An hour later, I was cooking. I made some tacos since everything else I could try would be disgusting. Isabella stayed glued to my side. Scared at the fact Avalon and the others stared to drink. My free hand rested on her back.

" Dinner is almost ready,beautiful," I informed he'd.

" I want Lawn, Ally, Mani, and Dinah," she cried. She couldn't call Lauren mommy while Avalon was near. She would get beat but her. They were in the living room. Too close to us.

" Me too, baby girl."

" Mila," Isabella whispered. I kneeled down in front of her. " Lawn and you be my mommies?"

Her voice was quiet. She didn't want them to hear what she said. It was understandable.

" Yes, we will," I smiled at her. Carefully, I put the tacos in the plates for them. I gave Isabella her one taco first. As I handed the plates out, I heard noises go in from outside. I didn't think anything of it. All of the laughed and didn't pay attention to what was going on around them.

" Izzy, can I sit with you?" I asked. She nodded,happily. The noise outside got louder. Isabella started to notice it. She didn't say anything though. It was dead silent till the door busted opened. As a reflex, I pulled Isabella in my arms as we did under the table. My eyes were shut.

" Mama, I scared," Izzy cried in my chest. Shushing her, I rubbed her back. My eyes were glued shut.

" Camila?" I heard my name." Dinah, she's shaking!"

" Camila, it is us. It's Dinah and Lauren," Dinah spoke to me. Slowly, I opened my eyes. In front of me was my girlfriend and my best friend.

" Mommy saved us! Mama you right!" Isabella chanted, running to Lauren's arms.

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