Lies Detected

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Nothing made sense anymore. Zendaya doesn't get anything out of this. Why would she take Isabella?

" Lauren?" Will called.

" Yes?"

" We still don't know where Isabella is. They are trying to find her still."

We said our goodbyes. Then, hung up. Pondering, I bit my bottom lip.

" What happened?" Dinah asked me. Our eyes met. There was worry in hers. Her and Zendaya were hitting it off. I don't want to ruin it.

" Zendaya confessed to taking Bella," I muttered. Heartbroken, her fist clenched her sheets. Dinah was holding back tears.

" Where is she?" Her voice cracked.

" They don't know," I sighed." It can't be Zendaya. She has no reason. Plus, she's an aunt."

" She confessed,Lauren! She took her. Don't defend that bitch. Isabella meant the world to us! She took it away!" She yelled. Hurt and rage was written all over her.

" I am sorry she hurt you. Just-"

" Zendaya didn't hurt me like that. We just fucked. We weren't in love or anything. Zendaya was a one night stand."

Hurt, she fell into my arms. Not even she believed the words she said. By far, this was the worst I've seen her.

" Dinah, let's go to bed."

I didn't have to repeat my self. With our clothes and make up on, we fell asleep on her bed.


I was awaken by the sound of my phone ringing. I knew it had to be something about Isabella.

" Hello?" My raspy morning voice came out. Ugh I need to brush my teeth. I hate talking without doing that first.

" Miss Jauregui, can you please come down to the Orange County Police Department?" A lady asked, politely.

" Yes, I'll be there as fast as possible," I said. She didn't say anything else. She just hung up.

" Dinah!" I yelled, shaking her. With her eyes closed, she hummed." We need to get down to the police station. Come on!" 

Slowly, she awoken. We hurried to get dress. The sooner we got there the sooner she would come home.

  Milika took us to the station. She really wanted to help us find Isabella. She was honestly so proud of my decision.

" Miss Jauregui? Follow me," the man in a nice suit directed. He led us to a dark room. It had only one had one light on. There was a few chairs and a desk. On the other side of the glass there was a table and two chairs. Zendaya sitting in one of them.

" Her story isn't adding up, so we are taking a lie detector test," he informed me. I nodded. Suddenly, a man walked in the room with her. She was already hooked up.

" Answer these questioned with just yes or no," he instructed. Zendaya nodded, understanding." What's your first name? We are trying to get a baseline."

" Zendaya Coleman," she answered with ease.

" Did you take Isabella Jauregui?"

" Yes," she replied with hesitation. My heart broke. I always thought we could trust her.

" You have a dog?" He asked another baseline question.

" Yep, Midnight."

" Did you work alone?"

There was a long silent gap.

" Yes."

" You took her to get more attention to you for the fame right?"

" Yes."

" Do you know where she is?" He questioned. She answered fast this time.
" No."

" You had this thing with one of the members of Fifth Harmony. Dinah-Jane Hansen? Did you really feel something for her?"

Zendaya's eyes got tears in them. Biting her lip, she tried to hold them back. Dinah was just as scared of what she was about to say. Milika was already close to beating her ass.

" No..."

With that he left the room, he didn't come back to where we were. Dinah was already close to crying. I held her hand. All her exes had hurt her. She thought Zendaya was going to be different. Hell, that's what I thought.

" At first, we thought it was her birth parents that took her. Now, we aren't sure. The thing is. In order to keep her reputation, she would if returned her. She said she didn't have her or know where she is."

" I am just as confused to where she is," I mumbled.

" CPS confirmed if it's her parents, you can have Isabella. If not, you will have to go through some more papers."

" Thanks for telling me," I smiled back. We waited about 30 minutes before the guy that interviewed Zendaya came back.

" All of them were lies except the baseline."

" What?" Dinah said kinda cheerful." What do you mean?"

" I mean someone else is making her say this stuff. There was a good gap before this happened. No one else knew at the time she confessed. There's a high likely chance it's Isabella's parents."

As I stared at the news he was saying, I saw his ID said Jacob Williams. Mr Williams looked like he knew what he was doing. No matter how young he seemed.

" Dinah.. We think you could get it out of her," the other guy informed. Dinah gulped. She knew she had to do it. For Bella..

" Okay," she whispered. Zendaya was unhooked for the polygraph. Dinah walked in as there was doing so. Zendaya couldn't look at her.

" Zendaya... Tell me the truth," Dinah's voice was stern.

" I did. What do you want-"

" Isabella was taken! You had no part in this. What the fuck happened? You have feelings for me? Well, act like it, God dammit!" Dinah gripped the desk, leaning over to Zendaya.

" I can't say it..." Zendaya mumbled under her breathe." I can't."

Dinah saw how broke she was. There was more to the story. Dinah really wanted to know what happened. Crouching in front of the sad girl, Dinah made her glance at her.

" Please tell me. I love you. I'm hurting at the fact they told me you did it. We will protect you. I promise."

" That's not what I'm worrying about, Dinah," she sighed." They told me if I didn't confess they'll kill you and the girls. Starting with you and ending with Lauren. If you find out who they are, you all would be gone. I didn't want that. Dinah, please believe me. I would never hurt you like that. I really do love you."

I was relieved to hear that Zendaya lied and didn't do it, yet scared to know she was threatened. They were going to kill us.

" Who, baby?"

" Lou and Avalon. Isabella's parents."

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