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I technically didn't get kidnapped. They came up to my door asking if I wanted to see Isabella or be killed. Honestly, I wanted to make sure Izzy was okay.

" Where is she?" I asked my former stylist. I can't believe we let him in the bus. Matt played all of us.

" Stop whining. She's in this room," he rolled his eyes, guiding me down the hall of a small house. It was horrid in here. The people who live here obviously did drugs.

" Camz?" I heard a small voice. Isabella was in a cage made for dogs. Not 4 year olds.

" Izzy," I called, running to her. She started to cry.

" Tell Lawn me sowry," she sobbed. It hurt to hear Isabella call her Lauren but I know it's because her mom is right there.

" Shh... It isn't your fault. Lauren is looking for you,baby. She is determined to find you," I stuck my hand through the bars for her to hold. My hair was pulled by her mom.

" Stop talking to my daughter!" She barked." You little slut. She was around fags,Babe. I know I'm not the best parents but fags are a whole different story."

The guy in the back laughed with his girlfriend. His badge said Lou on it. He was a mechanic. Lou was the same guy who sexual assaulted Isabella.

" You asshole!" I yelled, throwing my body on him. I was pulled back by the woman.

" I see Isabella told you who I was," Lou glared at the little girl in the cage. She shivered.

" Lauren and I will be better parents than you both ever will be. We love her more that anything. My friends also don't touch her," I informed. Matt pulled me up on my feet.

" What are we going to do about her?" He asked.

" Tell them to pay for her. They legally can't take Isabella because she is ours. They never signed any papers. They basically stole this child!" The mom ranted. I spotted in her face." They have 5 hours to pay or we will kill her!"

I know a strung the wrong string. I was just so pissed. I won't give up on her now.


The house we are staying in his pretty normal. It looked like a regular house for a family. Zendaya offered to share a room with Dinah. They better keep quiet.

" I'm sorry again," Zendaya said, walking in my room. Currently, I was unpacking my stuff. We might be here for a while.

" Listen, from the second I heard the story I know you weren't involved. Zendaya the fact you did this to protect us was very brave," I smiled. This wasn't like one of my books or Ally's movies. I wasn't going to hold a grudge on something so stupid.

" Thanks, I wish I heard more. I just feel bad because I know Dinah was mad at me. It hurts so much. Even though she said she forgives me, I feel like she doesn't."

" She does," I stated." I'm one of her best friends. Trust me, she does."


I heard Zendaya and Lauren talking. My heart kind of broke when Zendaya said she thought I was still upset with her.

" Zendaya," I called from across the room. She was putting her clothes up in her closet.

" Yes, Dinah?" She hummed.

" Snuggle with me," I pouted. Giggling, she flopped on my bed. Crawling, she went into my arms. Her chin rested between my boobs. Damn, her eyes are so beautiful.

" Dinah?"

" Yes."

" You're beautiful," she whispered, putting her head in the neck. I kissed her forehead.

" Zendaya, you are fucking beautiful too," I told her. She giggled at my comment. I kissed her in last time before falling not asleep.

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