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The girls and I put our luggages back on to the bus. Isabella followed me like a lost puppy, which she kind of is. I bought her a stuffed lion , so she can have another toy to play with.

" Bella, do you want to sleep with me or have your own bunk," I asked after putting my stuff in the drawers.

" You" she says, sweetly. I nodded.

" Lauren, we are going to watch a movie in the back," Normani informed after grabbing her movie collection from her bunk. I gave Isabella her teddy bear before walking to the back. Of course, she followed me.

" Sit here," Camila patted the spot next to her. Not caring that Dinah was smirking, I sat next to Camila. Camila put her head in my neck. Her shampoo smelt so good. My arms wrapped around her. Bella cuddled to my side with her bear. Half way through the movie, the girls fell asleep.

" I love you," I whispered to the two girls on my side. I kissed their foreheads.


When I woke up, both girls were missing. Normani and Dinah were still asleep on the floor. Quietly, I went to the front of the bus where the kitchen is.

" Morning," Camila smiled. Isabella was sitting on Ally's lap as both girls were seated at the booth, eating. Isabella was smiling and giggling. She warmed up to Ally.

" I just made me cereal because I heard there was food at the venue," Ally commented.

" Hopefully, it is good food," I joked. Not very hungry, I just grabbed the container filled with grapes to eat.

" Lawn,Ally nice," Bella squealed. Smiling at her, I agreed. I was happy she got used to most of the girls.

" Who is going to watch her while we perform?" Ally asked after kissing Bella's cheek. Thinking, I tried to find out who was back stage.

" Maybe Will? I'll see, during soundcheck," I replied. Once all the girls were up, we went to dressed inside venue. Isabella stayed in the room where the girls were getting their make up down. It was chaotic. But that is basically how touring works.

" I hope this show is good since we didn't have a soundcheck," I commented on how fuck up the owner of this venue is. He told us we didn't need one because he checked last week.

" I tried to get you guys one," Will sighed." He is just being an ass. Just act like it is a regular show and if anything happens we will fix it."

We all calmed down a little bit. We were still nervous because we always are before a show. WHile doing my vocal warm ups, I felt a tug on my costume.( one above)

" No leave," she pouted. Bending down, I hugged her tightly.

" I will be right there," I pointed to the stage." You will see me. Nothing will happen I promise."

She nodded, hugging me back. Kissing her cheek, I let her go. She had tears forming in her eyes.

" I will come check on you halfway through, my love," I informed right before I went on stage to perform. I was scared she would run on with me. Luckily, she didn't. Big Rob took good care of her.

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