2. Meeting up

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

My mind is racing with things to do and unfinished editing and that awkward encounter with Graser last night

My phone lights up, a text from Liam on the screen

Hey Stacy, you heard? Minecon is coming up, are you going? Graser and I got an extra ticket!

Really? Thanks! I had no idea, when is it?

In about a month, about June 29-July 6.


How about I pick you up in a few days and we can get on the same flight?

Sounds awesome!

Sweet! I get to meet everyone!

I turn off my phone and a huge smile worked its way across my face

My smile widens when I realize Grasers coming with us, and my body feels light and content.

I lie in bed, thoughts racing through my mind, but only one being clear.


I think of his laugh and how he lights up the room. The smile that shows his braces and the pure happiness of a child. How his eyes light up with excitement so brightly that you can almost see the reflection in his glasses

I think of his hair and how soft it must be. How he can switch off the humor and have a serious talk once in a while.

I finally shake his name out of my head and look at the clock on my side table


I lie back on my bed again, defeated

My mind and body collide with the idea-- no, realization that I, Stacy Hinojosa, like Graser10

-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

As soon as I wake up, my phone dings.

I look to see I received a text from Liam.

Hey, Stacy is coming with us to minecon! I'm picking her up in a week and she is coming on the plane with us!

She... she's coming in the plane? With us?

It'll be fine man, don't worry.

Fine, bye aychie-waychie

Don't call me that.

Whatever you say... ayechie-waychie

I can't believe it.

In a week im going to meet Stacy and spend the whole trip from Canada to London with her!

My stomach churns with excitement and fear and I lie back in my bed

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now