Another boy? Chpt 9

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

     Suddenly, Graser grabbed my hands and kissed me. In front of the other members. When he stepped away, I looked just as surprised as Will, Straub and Bee. "Hey guys, H was telling me something, sorry. Did I miss anything?" Parker asked with a smile. "Depends on how you see it. Now, I explain." Graser said confidently.


-=+=-STRAUB'S POV-=+=-

     He kissed her. Right in front of me. I knew I should have told him that I liked Stacy, I mean Bee is number one, but still. It hurts to see her taken from me! Now my best friend is the only one, I have no one to distract me. I can't like Bee! She has been my best friend for YEARS! Now, no one can stop me from binge-watching her videos or camping her channel in my spare time. Just to hear her beeutiful (get it?) voice, or her cute laugh without it being weird. I walk up to Graser, look him in the eye with my "dude. Tell me this stuff" look to tell him I liked her too, and walked away.

-=+=-BEE'S POV-=+=-

     I squealed when I heard that Graser and Stacy were "together"! Stacy said It was just a kiss... Or two. But AHHHHHHHH! Im so excited to help Stacy get ready for a date... Perhaps? ;-)

I ran up to Stacy and hugged her tight. "CONGRATS!" I yelled. Then I saw a hurt look on Straubs face, then he walked away. Did he like Stacy and not me? I knew he wouldn't like me back... What was I thinking? But, being the friend I am, I follow him. He sits down leaning against a wall and closes his eyes. "Straub?" I peep. His eyes open and he smiles when he sees me. "Hey bee. Sorry I left, it's complicated." He whispered the last part. I sat down next to him and we talked until Parker said it was time to go.


GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now