Consequences. Part 18

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So, sorry. Its still on hold, but I'm not forgetting about this book, I'm kinda scared. I know i shouldn't be, but I don't think i will continue my Straubee series. This is because Bee, or Bianca, said she had a boyfriend. Gingy. I just don't feel comfortable making her date another guy in a story when she is taken. I know, its a fan FICTION. But she said she was in a puddle of her own tears when people told her who to be. I know its just a story, but i don't want to make someone who caused me so much happiness any pain, or pressure. If you have anything to add, please comment.

-=+=-STRAUB'S POV-=+=-
     I blew it. I really did. What was I thinking?! I was selfish and now look. I have no one. I ruined Stacy and Zach's relationship when I had no right to. Bee is gone. Stacy is gone. Everyone left. Why do I need to lash out at others?! I don't try, my body just goes. I try to stop it, but then it makes everything worse. If I had made peace with Zach, everything would be fine. Now look.


     Zach never came back. Everyone booked an extra 3 days so we could have out. Awkwardness stung the air. Bee, Stacy and Dul were in their room. I heard sobbing from multiple people. If I made Bee AND Stacy cry. I swear. "Guys! Its okay!" Dul said shakily, on the verge of tears herself. What have I done? I storm out of the room and rush downstairs. I run up to the front desk. "Its an emergency. Can you please tell me what room Zachary Graser is in?" I ask frantically. She shakes her head. "Sorry sir, i cant give room numbers." She smiles sadly. "Call his room. Ask him himself if I can come up." I sigh. She nods and calls his room number.
"Hello, Zachary?"
"Yes. Do you happen to know a..." She looks at me. "Mitchell Straub." I nod. She repeats.
"Ok, he would like to see you. Can I tell him your room number sir?" She asks.
"Ok" she nods. Hanging up. "Room 307!" She calls. I take off. "301, 303, 305... Ah! 307!" I say excitedly. I knock. The door opens and a hand pulls me inside. "Dude. What do you want." He asks angrily. "Im here to apologize. Listen. I made Stacy, Bee and Maddie cry. I wanted to jump off that balcony. What did. I do?! And I need to fix something. Stacy did not say yes to you're question." I said, looking him in the eyes.

     He softened. "Then why did she say yes?" He questioned. "Bee said she had just bought a ear-phone piece. Someone called to sync the number. And she asked if It was Stacy Hinojosa." I said. "So she answered yes. When she saw you leave and we explained, she cried so much. She loves you man." I say, patting his back. "She....she was going to tell me too. Im such a jerk! I told her to save it and left. I feel so bad!" He sighed. His head in his hands. "If it makes you feel better, Bee is never speaking to me again..." I trailed off. I wanted to cry. I really did love Bee. "You really liked her. Wow. We both lost." He said. A tear ran down my face. We hugged. "You didn't lose. I did. Stacy wants you back. Badly. Bee says I betrayed her. You have a wonderful girl, waiting for you. Come on."

     I grab his hand and pull him to room 333. Or as I call it, the illuminati room. I open the door and before you could say, 'MITCHELL! WTF?" I shoved Zach in the room with Stacy. I look in and Zach was kissing Stacy and mumbling how sorry he was. He explained that I had told him everything and Bee looked at me. She smiled and joined me outside. "Mitchell. Listen. You did the right thing, but I think it would be best if we stayed best friends." My heart shattered.

     I had a mental break down. "Please. Its for the best. I need my best friend more then my boyfriend right now. She hugged me tightly. I know she meant well. I hugged her back to. "Bee, even if we cant be together. I want you to know that. I love you. As a best friend, as a sister, as a partner. I want you to be happy." I smiled at her. She smiled and hugged me. Giving me a kiss on the cheek. "When we get home, wanna snuggle up in our onesies and watch Netflix?" She smiled. I nodded and we re-entered the room. Maybe consequences have good sides too.

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