Truth or Dare? Chpt 12

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

     As Bee happily suggested a double date, I lit up and squeezed Zach's arm. "I think Stacy likes the idea!" He smiles down at me gleefully "and I'm down!" We all look at Straub "Sounds great!" He said, dreamily staring at Bee. "HEY, WHO WANTS TO PLAY THE FORBIDDEN TRUTH OR DARE!?!?" Parker yelled for the main room. Zach, Bee, Straub and I walk over to where to others are sitting and cautiously sit down. "If you choose dare and don't do it, the person daring you gets to tweet on your account anything they want!" He smirked. (The text layout will change for this)

Parker: Stacy, truth or dare?

Stacy: dare

Parker: I dare you to..... Prank call a random #!

Stacy: here is my phone, tweet away.

TWEET: How would you feel if #Gracy was official?

I rolled my eyes.

-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

She is almost TOO perfect. I tune out and stare at her. She is officially mine. "ZACHHHHHH!!!!" H yelled. I jumped. 

H: Truth or Dare?

Graser: Um...Dare

H: I dare you to post a picture of you and Stacy kissing to twitter!

Graser: uh oh. Fandom stampede... Here I come...

I take out my phone, put it in selfie mode and snap a picture of me and Stacy kissing... Then... I press tweet. 

Graser: im scared... (Cough) anyway! Bee, truth or Dare?

Bee: Truth please

Graser: did you ever have a crush on Mitchell? 

Bee: I...maybe... Yes!

Everyone: Awwwwwwwe!


-=+=-STRAUB'S POV-=+=-

     Yes. I got Bee, but i was still mad at Graser. I know he won't turn down a dare. Revenge time.

Straub: Graser, Truth or Dare?

Graser: Dare

Straub: I dare you to kiss Bee.

His face turned pale, and Bee elbowed me. 

Straub: Do it, or Tweet time!

He walks up to Bee and kisses her on the cheek! That little cheater! He stumbles back to Stacy and Bee looks relived that he didn't KISS her kiss her. So does Stacy. I can't argue, because he did kiss her but... I'm not done with him.

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now