Double date? Chpt 11

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

I was worried the whole way to the hotel. What if Zach was rethinking this dating thing? I felt sick. We finally arrived at the hotel. Parker looked bored, so I went to talk to him. "Hey Parker, what's up? You look down." I frowned. He looked at me and smiled. "I'm just sad, i miss Lauren." He gulped. "I hope this cheers you up!" I smile, "Who wants to watch a movie?" I yell over the loud boys. "ME ME ME!" Everyone says. So we plop in scary movie. Uh oh. I didn't think about that. I was thinking of a comedy or something! I HATE scary movies!

-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

I take a seat on the floor and motion for Stacy to sit next to me. She hesitates, then takes the empty seat next to me. Ten minutes in, Bee is covering her head with Straub's sweat shirt and Stacy was buried in my chest. My arm around her. She looked up at a mild part of the movie and I kissed her, this time, she kissed back and smiled afterwards, snuggling back in my chest. After the movie me and Straub were smothered by the girls, who were scared to death. We head into the girls room, they follow close behind. Straub sits Bee down and looks her in the eyes. "Will you... Go out with me? Like... On a date?" He closes his eyes and waits for the worst. Instead, Bee hugs him and says "I thought you would NEVER ask!" "Awwwwwwwee!" Me and Stacy coo. Stacy is now glued to me, arms linked together. I look her in the eyes and say "Stacyplays, would you like to go on a date withe ME?" I say with an Oscar winning smile. "Why I thought you'd never ask!" She laughed, leaning on my shoulder. "Hey! What about we go on a double date! So it doesn't get awkward!" Bee smiles brightly, kissing Straub on the cheek, making him turn pink.

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now