The Scream scare! Chpt 13

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-
Thank. God. I knew Zach would be loyal, even for a dare. I hold his hand. He squeezes mine. After the game, Bee and I got to our room and freak out about Straub asking her out! We lay out some possible date clothes and decide to go shopping tomorrow. We use some face mask that Bee brought to try out and brush each others hair while we wait. I braid hers so she has pretty curls and she rolls mine for twists. Next thing you know, its 12:00 am. "Let's get to bed, we need beauty sleep!" Bee jokes, climbing into bed. I crawl in bed myself, but no way I was sleeping. The next morning, I woke up to Parker,(who stole Graser's scream mask) in my face. " FYLKYDUKTDHTKDKTHDKTHDLDY!!!!" He yelled, causing me to scream so loud, he fell over. Graser ran into the room "Stacy! What's wrong?!!?" And he breathed a sigh of relief seeing Parker.
-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-
I was just relaxing, dreaming of how amazing my date would be. Then I hear a scream. No doubt its Stacy! I run through the door. "STACY? What's wrong?!?!" Then I see an apologetic Parker on the floor, looking sorry for scaring me half to death, and Stacy. I hold out my hand for him and grab his shoulders, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Struab fell out of the bed!" I yelled. Then, Straub runs in. His hair is messy and his holding a pillow up as a shield. Bee giggles and walks up to him. "Everything is fine. We dont need the safety of your pillow. She giggled again. Parker gets up and scoots towards the door. "Hold it Parker." I say with a serious voice. He bit his lip and whispered "sorry guys..." I shook my head. "No, its fine. Im only mad because Stacy screamed. Prank someone else who wont wake up the whole house and break a window please." I joked. "Hey!" Stacy fake frowned. Parker giggled. "Sorry Stace... Want some of the finest Dr. Pepper i have ever tasted? I brought some, but you can have the rest. Key word... The rest... Sorry." He laughed. She smiled and said, "Ok... If you insisttttttt...!" I grinned and sat next to Stacy on her bed. "So, now that that's cleared up... You excited for our date?" I said, still grinning. She nodded and I caught a glimpse of Straub scowling in my direction. Is he still mad? No way. He is with Bee now! Right?

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