6. Messy Messy Messy

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-
I don't  know what to do, where to look, what to think, how to think, anything. He kissed me. Like real talk, he just kissed me. Me, Stacy Hinojosa.

I'm lost in my messy, clouded thoughts until I hear the familiar click of a camera going off.

"Shoot!" H panics. "Um... Sorry, I... Um..." He laughs nervously, noticing the look on my face. My body fills with more panic as Graser turns towards me.

"I need some space." I whisper, hurrying out of the car.

I run behind the corner of the pizza place and sit down on the sidewalk. Before I can try and calm myself down, the tears come, and suddenly I'm a bawling mess on the floor. It's dumb, I know. I really like Zach. But the fear of Dul, Bee, or anyone else finding out is enough to break me down. After what feels like an eternity, someone sits down besides me.

-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

I turn the corner, expecting to see her pacing or something. When I look down, my heart shatters at the sight of her crying.

I hurt her that bad. I never wanted to hurt her.

I take a seat next to her.

"Stace? Are you okay?" I ask timidly, "I'm sorry... I'll make sure Liam deleted the picture, I promise."

She looks up, and I see so many emotions in her face that I couldn't tell you what they were.

"I don't care about the stupid picture, Zach. I'm just..." she looks down, wiping her eyes. "I'm just scared. What if people find out, what would they think? What would our friends think? They would think it was weird I mean--"

"Did I weird you out? I'm sorry I thought you liked-- I mean I assumed you..."

She looked up at me with big eyes. "Of course I like you, Zach. I'm just so scared..." she whispers. "If I didn't like you, I wouldn't get to flustered and nervous and have to delete clips where I try and flirt or--" I cut her off with a giddy chuckle. She blushes and turns around.

After a second or two of silence, I grab her hand, smile a big smile and hug her close to me. The kind of hug where no one wants to let go, and you want to stay in their arms for ever.

Once we break apart, we walk back to the car. Liam apologizes more, and Stacy just smiles

"It's okay, Liam." She looks up at me. "I'm okay now."

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now