4. The Backseat

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-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

The car was quiet except for the buzz of the AC and then bumping of our luggage in the back trunk of the little car.

I twiddle my thumbs, sneaking glimpses of Stacy every so often to make sure she was really there and I wasn't dreaming

"So..." I start. "Stacy, how have you been doing? How are Page and Molly? " I smile, showing the clunky braces I wish I didn't have.

"Good. Mollys still a little spoilt diva. She laughs nervously.

"I haven met her yet ya know. You'll have to introduce us sometime." I squeak, hoping she doesn't notice my voice crack

She laughs


H leans over and turns up the air conditioning, making the chilly car even colder.

Stacy, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, crosses her arms, rubbing them ever so slightly as if she was trying to hide it.

After a couple of minutes of obvious discomfort on her end, I lean forward

"Hey Liam? Could you turn down the air a little?" I ask

Stacy looks at me, and there's almost visible relief in her eyes. I pretend I don't notice.

"Sorry guys, I didn't get a lot of sleep, the AC helps me stay awake, unless you want me to fall asleep at the wheel, it has to be on." Liam says, shrugging

Stacy leans back in her seat and looks out the window, crossing her legs as she looks out to the water beyond the traffic

I give H a look, and he shrugs again, a small smirk on his lips

Oh... he's good

-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

I curl up by the window, watching the cars go by as I rub my bare arms

A tap on my shoulder makes me turn my head to face Graser holding out his blue sweatshirt. I smile but furrow my brows, shaking my head in protest.

"Stace," he begins, "its fine, I'm used to it. Take it." He smiles a heart-melting smile but I don't budge from my seat.

He grins and leans over to drape the old sweatshirt over my arms, and for a second I think he's flirting

No way. It's Graser

He pats me on the back, and smiles again


GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now