A new enemy. Chapter 16

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-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-
     I could tell something was up with Straub. He was always giving me the evil eye when im around Stacy. I need to talk to him. H and Parker were out of the room. They were using the living room to stream. I grabbed Straub's wrist and pulled him into our room. "Hey! What're you doing?" He yelled. (Get it? No? Ok...) "Why are you so mad at me?" I said with a serious tone. "Mad? Me? Nooooooo." He said sarcastically. "Im MAD because you stole Stacy from me! I know you never asked her." He said with a cold stare. "You have BEE! And you guys are going on a freaking date!" I yelled. "I know. But Stacy was supposed to be on that date with ME!" He said. "I know i have Bee, and I love her, but i how can I date her knowing I love another woman?!?" He said in a softer, but fiercer tone. "By GETTING OVER STACY!" I never asked if she had feelings for you because she doesn't. I know for a fact. And if she did, she would come out and tell me. She would be honest." I said, my voice cracking a bit. "A good boyfriend would NEVER keep a secret from his girl." i stormed out of the room and went into Stacy's, Straub following. "Stacy. Do you have feelings for Straub. Be honest." I said, looking at Straub with a "ya happy?" Look. "Yes?" I heard. I know i shouldn't care. But oh hell did I. It was Straub! My now, enemy. I looked at her and left the room.

-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-
     I had also bought a phone head piece, so I could have my hands free when talking on the phone. Bee and I were also  talking about the date and getting ready, when Graser came in. At the same time, I got a call. I answered it and she asked, "Is this Stacy Hinojosa?" "Yes?" I replied. I was just about to ask Graser what he was saying when the lady spoke, when he barged out of the room. "What did he say? I got a call on my new head-phone piece." I said. Bee gave me a panicked look and whispered in my ear. "He asked if you had feelings for Straub! And you replied yes!" I turned pale. "Oh no! Zach!" I yelled, going for the door. Straub blocked it. " d-do you? He asked sheepishly. I pushed him aside. "Zach!" I exclaimed, seeing him leave the hotel room. I ran after him. What if he though I did! I have no physical attraction to Straub, especially because he is dating my best friend! I turn a corner in the hall way and see Zach with his head in his hands. "Z-Zach! I cant explain!" He looked at me. "Go tell your new boyfriend. Straub. I heard he really loves you." And he walked away. I started to tear up. I grabbed the ear piece and threw it on the floor. I stepped on it and sat down, crying.

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