No more date? Part 17

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-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-
     I cant believe Stacy would do this to me! I felt so... So... Betrayed. I cant believe she would like someone else and not tell me? If she had been open to me about it, I would have understood and we could have talked it out. But no. I run down the hall in a huff and hold my head in my hands. Stacy turns the corner frantically. " Z-Zach? I can explain!" She said, coming closer. I said she should tell her boyfriend Straub instead. I walked away. Why did I have to do that? Why didn't i let her explain?!? Oh... Maybe because she confessed to liking another boy who is not her boyfriend... No. No more Mr. Nice Guy. She betrayed me, so why should I let her make something up to hide it from me? No. No more. I decided I would get my own hotel room. I canceled my Uber for the date and went to the check in counter. "I would like a room." I stated.

-=+=-BEE'S POV-=+=-
     Poor Stacy! "Mitchell. What was that about?!?" I asked him. "They are broken hearted! Why would you do this to her?" I looked at him hard. He looked at me, grabbed my hand and sat me down. "Because i didn't want to hurt you." He said quietly. "Wha-?" I said. "Bee. I have feelings for Stacy. I was selfish and wanted you both.  I made Graser ask Stacy if she liked me, i didnt think something like that would happen! Bee, I am soooooooooo sorry!" He begs. "Straub, maybe in the future I will get your trust back. But i think we need a break." I say calmly. He looks at me with eyes the size of his own selfishness. I walk out of the room.

Sorry for the short chapter! Eek! I promise to update more! In the mean time, read my other stories!

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now