The Cube! Chpt 8

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

     I woke up to Graser peaking me on the cheek. I was buried in his chest and he had his arm draped around me. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" He smiled, his glasses were off and he looked sleepy. "We are... Officially.. Hera!" He said with a fake accent he made up a while back. He stood up and helped H with his bags, then me with mine. "Why thank you Zachary," I bowed, "your welcome Miss StacyPlays," He grinned, handing me my bags. 


   "Bee, Straub, Will and Parker should be here to pick us up by now! They said they would be early..."  I frowned. "It's fine, so... Their a little late! That gives us more time to catch up!" H smiled weakly "and for me to apologize... Stacy I'm sorry, I did not mean to make fun of you, or make you cry or laugh at you..." He hung his head. "H, are you kidding me?! Im not mad! It just scared me in the heat of the moment." I nudged him, "so, how are you and Corine?" I smiled, trying to lift the mood, and H smiled back.

-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

     That's it. Im sold. She's perfect. She always knows exactly what to say. I'm staring now, I don't care, and Stacy notices. "Zaaachhhhh! Helloooooo?" She giggles, waving her hand in front of my face. I blink a few times and grin shyly. From behind me, her face lies up. "BEE!!" She yells, running to give her friends a hug. "Yep, Will Straub and I are chopped meat." Parker joked. "Hello Parker," She smiles, giving Him a hug, along with Will and Struab. I don't want to make a big deal out of me and Stacy, so I decide to be upfront and tell them by being myself, my over confident self. I grab Stacy's hand and say, "this is going to be a great day!" And kissed her. Right then and there.

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now