Straubee? Chpt 10

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-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

     I sit next to Straub in the Uber and ask him what's up. " Dude." I whisper "what happened back at the airport?" Straub ignored me and I received a text moments later. When I read it, I went pale. "I'm so sorry man!" But I feel bad for thinking im not. Me and Stacy both liked each other. He doesn't know if Stacy likes him. I text back.

I will ask her if she has feelings towards you... Ok Straub?

He nods and We hug. I text him again

And you always have Bee! ;-)

She doesn't like me that way... Why would she

I think she might. Ya never know until you ask!

Straub smiles and returns to his usual self.

-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

     I can't believe what Graser said. We are NOT dating... Are we? No! We never went out on a date, so technically... We are NOT dating. But on the other hand, he kissed me. And I liked it. A lot. Snap out of it Stace! I look behind me to see Graser and Sraub laughing their butts off. Boys. He sees me, and smiles a bright grin, then he mouthed, "can we talk?" And I nodded. 

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now