7. Flying

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-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

After the long, silent ride to the airport, we were soon back to back the ridiculous jokes and banter we were used to.

"Okay, the plane is boarding. Everyone got their tickets? I swear to gosh if one of you don't have your ticket—" I stammer

"Stacy, calm down. Yes we have our tickets." Liam rolls his eyes, waving the flimsy thing in the air

"Okay. Okay I'm sorry I— okay, I'm okay." I laugh, taking a breath. "Hey, what seats do we have?"

Liam looks out the window, scratching his head and attempting to whistle. Looking for pretty much any way to look like he can't hear me

"Uhhh G4." Zach looks at me

"H?" I furrow my brows, picking the ticket from his hands.

"F1." I read. "Wait I'm G3... so that means—"

"Sorry, I didn't really think about..." Liam murmurs uncomfortably

"No, it's fine. Stacy and I don't mind, do we Stace?" Graser asks, looking at me with big eyes behind his glasses.

"No, no not at all, I—"

"Great! Let's go!" He smiles, braces and all


"I the isle seat!" Graser says jokingly, motioning me to sit down in our row first.

I smile awkwardly, tripping over my feet. I try not to look out the window or think of anything that might make me sick, which is probably the hardest challenge I've ever faced.

I'm trapped between the my best friend, who I just kissed, and literally a window that is about to be thousands of feet off of the ground. I'm doomed.

Graser smiles and takes his seat next to me. Awkwardly, he yawns and settles his arm around my shoulders.

"Seriously?" I giggle, shaking him off. "Oldest trick in the book."

He grunts. "Fine." He looks around for a second. "Can I tell you a secret?"

I nod, and he motions for me to lean closer

When I turn my head, he pulls me by the chin so my lips met his. Brief, but my heart stopped. When he pulls away, smiling, my mouth can only make one sentence:

"Did you get that move from Victorious?"

-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

I smile at the blushing girl beside me. The loud speaker says some gibberish about seatbelts, and soon enough we're off the ground.

Stacy's blush turns into more of a green than a red

"Are you scared of airplanes?" I ask, smirking

"N-no. Why? What would make you think that?" She stammers

"Nothing. Never mind." I'm an attempt to reassure her, I get into Graser10 mode. That might just distract her.

"So, Stace, whatcha think?" I grin

"About what?"

"Me? Graser 10? G10? G10mccp?" I nudge her playfully and a laugh escapes her lips

"Different. Different from anything I could have expected."

"In a good way?" I ask, hesitantly


GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now