2. Safe

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-=+=-ONE WEEK LATER-=+=-

-=+=-STACY'S POV-=+=-

I look down at my overflowing suitcase, the zipper barely done.

"Bye Page, Bye Molly. I'll miss you guys so much!"I cry, my cheek damp with a tear

Ok, you'll see them again soon Stacy

My head turns as Liam's car horn bores from the street. I say my final goodbyes and set off to meet my friends

H got out of the car first, Graser following close behind.

He looks adorable with his hoodie and jeans, braces gleaming in the sunshine as he grins widely at me.

"Stacy!" H smiles, snapping me out of my daydream with a firm hug.

"Liam!" I smile, hugging him back with the same tightness.

He releases, and I realize I couldn't breathe. As I catch my breath I lock eyes with Graser, who bites his lip nervously.

"Hiya Miss StacyPlays." He grins, coming up to me and wrapping me tightly in his arms

-=+=-GRASER'S POV-=+=-

Seeing Stacy in real life is like a dream. Like you want to think it's all real but you know it can't be.

For a split second our eyes meet and I remember it's not a daydream, and she's actually here.

I release my bottom lip from my tooth's grip and muster up a hello before hugging her tight.

Neither of us let go for a minute or two

It's comfortable in her arms, rocking back and fourth slightly.


Liam clears his throat, waking up Stacy and I. Her face is red with embarrassment and she adverts her eyes from mine, looking to the concrete sidewalk instead.

"I have groceries in the front, you two can take the back seats." H grins.

I gave him a look before taking my place next to Stacy in the back seat

GRASER10 & STACYPLAYS; TRUE LOVE [[RE-WRITING]]Where stories live. Discover now