59| Dilenma

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She was in her room getting ready for dinner. His parents wanted everyone to meet in dinning table as they wanted to announce the wedding date of kushal and everyone. She was getting ready when her parents enter in room. She smile slightly seeing them and touched their feet.

"Everything is fine..?" She ask.

"Yess...actually his dad invited us ..here ..".." Her baba replied.

She nods while her parents noticed her pale faced. It's getting more dull day by day

"Where is Khushi..?"" Ask her mom.

"She is with Kushal.." she replied while her mom immediately left from their. Boh chuckle seeing her, she is excited to see her granddaughter more than her own daughter.

"How are you ...princess ..?" Her baba asked seeing her sad face.

She didn't utter a word just hug him tightly which is enough for him to understand her pain her baba just embrace her in tight hug and unknowingly her eyes welled up with tears and she started crying.
She was feeling safe in his arms. It's her father, her home.

She just stay like their hugging his peace.

"Forgive him ...." her baba said breaking the silence between them

"After all this...you want me to forgive him..?" She ask with tears in her eyes.

She wanted to forgive him...? Yes, but whenever she remembered that day she started hating him for that.

"He was wrong ...and he will always be wrong....but doing this ..you are happy ...?" Her baba asked.

She stay silent without uttering a word because it's true she is not happy without him. She knows she can never feel happy without him.

"I am not saying....that leave with him like anything didn't happened...just talk with him...try to solve things....you are not alone...Khushi is now also with you ...and by doing this...you are getting harsh on yourself....if you can't do this....leave him....and come to your father house...." her dad spoke.

He knows.. sidharth is wrong but the fact is they can't live like this. She have to take decision, either try to solve things between them or end this for both of them.

"What about khushi...?" She ask..maybe she is trying to end things with him, her baba thought.. hearing her.

"She will get your love...and his too...but she never will be happy... because you both are not happy with eachother....." His dad replied.

Is she will able to give her happy life without him? Or he will ever let her go with his daughter? It all was heard by sidharth who was coming to his room to see his wife. His whole body got numb hearing her father. Is he suggesting her to Leave him? he will die than let her go. moreover he wants his daughter beside him. Isn't strange that he was the one who said, he will kill if she give birth to s girl but now he cannot spend a day without her. that's life. Everyone changed, be it good or bad.

Taking deep breath he enter in room with fake smile and informed him that his father wanted to see him
Her baba nod and left from their followed by them.

"Sit here...." His dad spoke pointing to the chair beside him.

Her parents look eachother and then him. How can he even say that...? They are just a normal people and he is king, their hukum. He can't sit with him.

"How...can...we..." Her baba spoke. His father rolled his eyes and make him sit in chair. He didn't utter a word as he can't even say anything to him. Sana smile seeing this. .

"I am not like sidharth..."His dad spoke eyeing to sidharth.

He cough hearing his father words. He is against him from the day when he got to know what he has done to his people and how his behaviour was
His mom had fight with him in this matter because she think whatever he has done it's all fault of that lady.

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