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Satuday rolled around and it was 1pm with everyone gathered around Honest Ed's, including Wallace and Lynette with a new bionic arm. It continued to rain however not as badly as yesterday.

Envy: Okay, so... have either of you ever been in here?

Scott: No. Well, Once, sort of, but I almost died.

Envy: I'm just gonna go with, "No". Right, so okay... The plan is... You guys are going to go in there... You have to, um, Survive, and get to the other end, and, you know, kill each other, or whatever. Do you think you can do that for me? Oh, and Todd: No psychic powers, sugar.

Todd: Fair Enough.

Wallace: So what's Scott's Handicap?

Envy: Scott's handicap is that he isn't a survivor.

Scott was shitting bricks internally.

Scott: Fair Enough...

Wallace: You unbelievable bitch.

Stephen: Okay, what's the challenge here? I mean, it's just a store.

Julie: You've never been inside Honest Ed's?

Stephen: No, why?

Julie: Stephen... You know how when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer terror of being alive?

Wallace was having a group huddle with Ramona and Scott.

Wallace: How I hate her.

Ramona: Wallace, I love you so bad.

Scott: Hey, Guy? Buddy? What's my strategy? How do I win?

Wallace: Just... I don't know, play to your strengths. He's not supposed to use his powers, so that should help, right?

Ramona: He can't not use them for long. Dude's a spaz.

Scott and Todd got into starting positions.

Envy: On your marks... Get set... SHAKE IT!!!

Scott and Todd run into the building as Julie speaks out noticing you were nowhere to be seen.

Julie: Where the hell's (L/N)!? He was the one saying he would drag our asses if we didn't show up!?

Stephen: Lemme give him a call.

No where near Honest Ed's, your phone rang on a nearby nightstand. You grumbled along with the lump underneath the blanket you were wrapped under. Reaching for the phone, you pick up, while Kim pops her head out from the blanket and nuzzles into your chest further.

(Y/N): Someone had better be dying Stills...

[Stephen: Where the heck are you? You said you were gonna drag asses. Even Scott's gay roommate, Wallace showed up.]

(Y/N): I said that so no one chickened out. The exes are Scott's problem not mine, until it becomes interesting.

Kim: Hurry up and cut the call...

[Stephen: Wait, was that—]

You cut the call, groaning at knowing those idiots were gonna destroy something. Wanting to summon up every power to stay in bed to cuddle, you forced yourself to get up. Allowing Kim to stay wrapped up in her warm blankets comfortably who spoke sleepily.

Kim: Do you...have to leave?

(Y/N): Unfortunately, knowing Idiots One and Two. Honest Ed's is gonna collapse.

Kim: Why make the competition there if you knew that...?

(Y/N): I try to put some faith in them, that was my mistake.

Scott Pilgrim's "Precious" Little Life x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now