[15] The Great Escape

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A/N: I gave up on the whole "writing everything first before dropping all of them in one day" thing. Updates will still be slow, but I'll try to get stuff out whenever I can. Thx! :-)


Hand in hand, Danielle and Minji sprinted out of the bank, exuding excitement as bright smiles adorned their faces. Their laughter filled the air as they made their way towards Minji's car. Danielle's energy was infectious, thrill still coursing through her veins. She could feel her heart racing, both from the adrenaline of the escape and the feel of Minji's hand intertwining with hers.

"Ladies first," A charming smile played on Minji's lips as she held the car door open for Danielle. And they say chivalry is dead.

"Thank you," Danielle blushed.

Once the girl was settled, Minji quickly walked around the car and slid into the driver's seat. Minji had no immediate plans to drive right away since the car was parked in a secluded spot, providing them with some privacy. She turned her attention to Danielle and posed a question. "Do you want to change clothes?" she asked, "I have extra clothes somewhere in the backseat."

Danielle nodded. "I can't have people seeing me in uniform on our date," she said with a laugh. "I need to blend in."

With a bit of maneuvering, Danielle managed to squeeze herself into the backseat to get changed into Minji's clothes.

It's a date, Minji gushed at the thought.

Now and then, Minji caught glimpses of Danielle through the rearview mirror, unintentionally making eye contact with the blonde who always looked back with a death glare.

Caught, Minji blushed and turned away, her fingers subconsciously toying with the collar of her shirt as she tried to calm her nerves and give the girl her privacy.

"Phew, is it hot in here or is it just me?" Minji awkwardly whistled as she fumbled to turn the AC up.

Danielle couldn't help but let out a light-hearted laugh at the girl's endearing awkwardness. "I think it's just you being stupid." She gracefully returned to the passenger seat, settling into the comfort of the plush upholstery.

Minji laughed along before her gaze fell on Danielle. She couldn't help but appreciate the sight of her in her clothes, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. You're so beautiful, Danielle. "Where to, princess?" Minji cleared her throat.

"Anywhere," Danielle replied, laughing once again when she spotted the cheesy grin on Minji's face. "As long as I'm with you."

Minji's breath hitched in her throat, her heart skipping a beat at the unexpectedly romantic words. "Don- You better not say that kind of shit while I'm driving," she stammered, still stunned by the statement as she started the car. 


The pair cruised through the city streets, with Minji taking occasional (and illegal) shortcuts through fields and closed-off areas. Danielle couldn't help but giggle, realizing that Minji was just as or perhaps even more reckless behind the wheel than Haerin. Nonetheless, every turn and sharp swerve added more to Danielle's excitement. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, hopping from topic to topic. After a while, the chatter subsided, replaced by a comfortably soothing silence. 

"What are you doing?" Minji asked when she saw Danielle fiddling with the dashboard.

"Playing music!" Danielle answered cheerfully as she navigated through her phone to connect it to the car's Bluetooth. Her fingers skated across the screen, as she contemplated which song to play.

Minji's ears perked up as she heard a familiar electric guitar riff paired with the raw power and energy of drums. Each beat slowly builds up, setting the stage for the singer's vocals.

"Paper bags and plastic hearts," Danielle sang along. In response, Minji let out a smirk before joining in, continuing the verse. "All our belongings in shopping carts~" Minji's voice blended seamlessly with the latter's.

Danielle's eyes widened and sparkled with surprise, followed by a radiant smile as she continued to sing alongside Minji. Minji's fingers naturally started tapping on the steering wheel, and Danielle couldn't resist playing her imaginary guitar as she bounced merrily in her seat. They eagerly awaited the impending chorus, their shared excitement filling the vehicle with a contagious sense of anticipation.

♫ Throw it away, forget yesterday ♫

♫ We'll make the great escape ♫

♫ And we won't hear a word they say ♫

They don't know us anyway ♫

Danielle and Minji couldn't hold back their enthusiasm as the chorus kicked in. They screamed the lyrics as they poured their souls into each word, the music seemed to explode around them, filling the car's interior as they sang with all their might.

Watch it burn, let it die

'Cause we are finally free tonight

Minji let Danielle sing the final few lines, allowing herself to bask in the blonde's fierce and passionate voice, her emotions pouring as it harmonized beautifully with the pop-punk symphony. 


The sun was setting, casting warm hues upon the landscape. The car glided smoothly into a secluded spot, hidden from prying eyes. Its engine hummed softly in the air, and only the orange sunlight illuminated the two girls within. The atmosphere was quiet and serene, contrasting the energy and excitement that filled the vehicle moments ago.

Minji couldn't help but watch Danielle with a sweet smile, observing the girl who was again fiddling with the dashboard of her car. "Hey, what does this button do?" Danielle inquired, her index finger seduced by the captivating glow of the red button in front of her. Minji's eyes widened when she saw which button Danielle was referring to. "Wait don't touch–"

The latter swiftly extended her arm, hoping to pull Danielle's hands away from the button's reach. However, her efforts were in vain as Danielle's eager curiosity got the best of her. They watched as a rocket spewed from the car, crashing into a nearby tree, causing it to erupt into a shower of fiery debris. Danielle watched the aftermath unfold, awestruck with the sudden fireshow. "This is saur cool!"

"Okay, yup, I'm taking you home," Minji said as she started the car.

"I don't want to go home," Danielle pouted, her eyes widened with a captivating sparkle that resembled ones of a kicked puppy. She hoped that the same puppy eyes that always melted Hyein and Hanni's hearts would work their magic on Minji.

"I'm taking you home with me, silly."

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