[21] Different

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After a draining day, Danielle found herself sighing heavily as she rummaged through her drawer in search of suitable sleepwear. The day's mission had left her weary, both physically and emotionally. She shuddered as the image of Jerry's sad attempts of being sexy popped up in her mind again. "Gross..." she whispered.


Danielle paused, her body tensing as recognition settled in. Turning her head towards the window, her heart skipped a beat as she met eyes with the owner of the voice.

"How do you do that?"

"For a top-secret installation, your security is really shitty."

"You can't be here." Danielle's voice was firm and guarded as she spoke to Minji. She had enough of dealing with Ms. Joohyun and Haerin, she didn't want to make things more complicated than they should.

"Oh, I know," Minji smirked. "You say you can't see me, and then I see you anyway. It's kinda this little game we play," she spoke as she walked closer to Danielle.

"Get out."

Minji rolled her eyes. Feeling hard-headed today, huh?

"Look, is this about your friends? Because if it is, I can just talk to them, you know," Minji winked, knowing she'd do more than just talk. Way more. "We can work something out."

"I said get out," Danielle repeated, her tone cold and resolute. She wasn't in the mood for Minji''s usual games. "I'm warning you."


Without any hesitation, Danielle's fingers swiftly pressed the red 'panic' button next to her bedroom door. Alarms immediately sounded, alerting the other girls in the house and jolting them awake from their sleep.

"You have to go. Now."

Minji looked at Danielle with a mixture of disbelief and hurt and scoffed. "It's your stupid friends! Why don't you think of yourself for a change?"

Haerin, Hanni, and Hyein burst into the room, their weapons raised. This caused Minji to flee to the window, quickly followed by Haerin, but by the time she got there, Minji was nowhere to be seen.

The former leader let out a frustrated huff, wondering how Minji had escaped so effortlessly. "She's gone," she informs before turning back to Danielle. "You okay?"

As Danielle was about to respond, an arrow shot into the room, barely missing Hanni as it embedded itself in the wall. Attached to the arrow was a familiar pair of bedazzled handcuffs - Danielle's gift to Minji. The sight of the handcuffs made her mouth go dry, and her heart pounded in her chest as memories flooded her mind. However, the best Danielle could do was suppress her feelings.

Minji's voice rang out from the outside, filled with hurt and anger. "I thought you were different!" she exclaimed, followed by the sound of a car door slamming.

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