When Stars Collide

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"Girls, let's go!" Abby yells as we walk into the studio. We all sit down and Chloe, Maddie, Paige, and I all hold hands.

"First, I wanna talk about this past weekend," Abby says, "I am very disappointed. Every single one of you could've done better. What's gonna happen this weekend?"

"It's the ALDC showcase!" Paige says. I love the showcase!

"We are doing a new number, Sugar Daddies, at the showcase," Abby says, "Maddie, you won the overall high score at the competition, boom. Nia, you forgot the solo, kept dancing, made it up. Chloe, you did a great job, there was the mother situation, so, you're here. I wanna see the attitude improve. Eva, you couldn't dance, but you came for moral support and hyped all the girls up so you get placed here."

"Now, there are a few surprises for this showcase

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"Now, there are a few surprises for this showcase. I don't wanna pressure you, but in the audience at the show, there will be an agent coming to seek new talent and looking for new clients to sign," Abby says and all us girls get really excited, "Moms, you are going to be performing a number in the showcase." All the moms look horrified, but we all start clapping. This is gonna be so fun! "And Cathy, you are going to be choreographing. This showcase is gonna be a nice chance to entertain instead of compete, but this is all leading up to nationals. What do we want to do at nationals?"

"Win!" We all say.

"Girls, get up," Abby says and we start to learn the Sugar Daddies dance. We have to have these giant props and they are hard to dance with.

"Lift your back leg higher!" Abby yells.

It's really hard to dance with the giant lollipop stick especially since I still have to have the wrist brace on until Friday.

"Eva," Abby yells, "Get the prop in the air! Stop holding it low! It needs to be up, up!"
Mom's Dance

The girls and I all get to sit up in the Dance Jail to watch our moms learn Cathy's dance. We are all laughing about how silly and funny they look. So far, it's just Kelly, Melissa, my mom, and Cathy learning the dance.

"This is embarrassing!" Paige says.

"Oh my god, look at my mom!" I laugh.

Holly comes in and she's actually good! Then Chloe comes in and starts learning the dance.

"I don't like this!" Chloe scream-laughs.

Then Cathy makes the moms do the dance one at a time.

"Oh my god, my mom said she used to be a good dancer," Paige says, making us all laugh, "Things have changed!"

My mom starts to do it by herself. "I can't watch this anymore!" I laugh, hiding my face behind my hands. Then Holly goes and she's amazing, "Nia, you're mom is so good!" I laugh.

We all stand in front of Abby, holding our sticks. Abby calls the mothers in, "Come on in ladies, I have a big announcement for today. We have a casting associate from Telzy and Company coming, right here, to my dance studio to look at all of you. They are casting in the new production of Annie that's going back to Broadway!" Chloe, Paige, and I all look at each other. A couple summers ago, our moms took us to go see Annie and we fell in love with it!

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