Chapter 20 Invaders On The Field!

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"One on one," I challenged Lucy. "Didn't you say you'd do it yourself, or are just that inept at killing me?" I took the hoodie Golden Fleece off and threw it over the edge and saw Old Rom's shadow go after it. I gestured to the scar on my chest, "You couldn't do it with this, are you afraid of me?"

Lucy curled her lip. The soldiers who were about to kill me hesitated, waiting for her order.

Lucy kept her eyes on me.

"You think you can lead me into a fight like Perse did Ares last summer?" she asked.

"No, because unlike you Ares doesn't avoid a fight." I smirked. "You're scared your warriors will see you get whipped by a mortal with only a book."

Lucy glanced at her accomplices, and she saw I'd trapped her. If she backed down now, she would look weak. The best I could hope for was to distract her, giving my friends a chance to do whatever they are doing. Annabeth was with them and she's a good planner, I also know how good of a sword fighter Lucy was.

Arcane wisp flew over my hand as I felt a favorable wind blow, "Tell you what, I'll save you some embarrassment and use magic."

"I'll kill you quickly," she decided, and raised her weapon. Its blade glinted with an evil gray-and-gold light where the human steel had been melded with celestial bronze. I could almost feel the blade fighting against itself, like two opposing magnets bound together. I didn't know how the blade had been made, but I sensed a tragedy. Someone had died in the process. Lucy whistled to one of her accomplices, who threw her a round leather-and-bronze shield.

She grinned at me wickedly.

The shield was a problem. With a shield you have better defense and versatility. There are more moves, more options, more ways to kill. I thought back to Chiron, who'd told me at camp that I should have a melee. Now I was going to pay for not listening to her. My khopesh seemed to have disappeared.

Lucy lunged and almost killed me on the first try. Her sword went under my arm, only grazing my ribs.

I jumped back, then counter-attacked with a pure arcane blast, which Lucy blocked with her shield only skidding back a couple of feet.

"My, Y/N," Lucy complimented. "Your magic is impressive."

She came at me again with a swipe to the head. I raised my hand and blocked it with pure arcane energy, she bashed me with her shield, sending me back before I could counter attack.

The cut on my ribs stung. My heart was racing as I rolled across the deck. Seeing Lucy lunged again, I felt a cold feeling as I shot my hands up and sent a wave of icicles at her from the air and ground.

The amount of the ice spikes caused her to jump back, though a few impaled her shield and cut her shoulder and legs a bit.

She almost slipped on the ice, which I would have laughed at had it not been for the situation. She chuckled, "Gonna give me a cold?"

"You're bleeding more than you'd like." I countered smugly, as I panted. Being in a serious fight with a demigoddess was taxing. Also I think the Golden Fleece was nullifying the need for food.

Lucy blitzed me and instead of a slice or jab she kicked me square in the chest sending me backward, and I hit against a familiar brickhouse, but was dazed a bit. Suddenly it hurt a little to breathe as I felt my lungs constricted. I felt Avery grab me and with my blurry vision her grab the Tome of Fate.

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