Chapter 18 Two 'Sea Monsters'

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Took a hour or so, but I eventually saw the Swordfysh approach!

I waved to them from the cliff entrance, but I am not sure if they saw me. Also do not know how they shall get up here. Not confident in my ability to carry that young woman down the cliff while scaling down it myself.

"This woman sleeps like a corpse." Scylla said, popping up beside me startling. "Sorry, did not mean to startle you."

"You are alarmingly quiet for such a big form." I told her.

"Thank you?" She said, sounding unsure, which seems like a mixed complement I suppose. "Are those your friends?"

"Yes." I said as I felt a warm feeling inside. They had come after me...

"You are smiling quite widely, is the fact that people care for you enough to come after you that it is surprising enough that you break your cold exterior?" Scylla asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

I blushed, "Uh... just... maybe..."

"You're cute like this." Scylla said, surprisingly close and teasingly.

Before I could respond I heard a shout below me, "Lad are you okay?!"

I looked down to see Lennings in the crows nest looking up at me with concern.

"I am, Scylla here actually saved me!" I called down. "Can you somehow get my bag and book up here?!"

Lennings looked down shouting some stuff to the crew below. I noticed the laestrygonians with the crew and dwarfs. Also familiar... faces...

"Your face is falling." Scylla noted.

"It's nothing." I said regaining my poker face.

I felt Scylla stare until she said. "I should probably lower you two down there."

"And yourself, I still need to try to fix you and if I can then fix Charybdis."

She smiled warmly, "Of course."

I felt Scylla wrap a furry tentacle around my waist and I was lowered down the ship and a few seconds later so was the young woman, then Scylla herself. Whos appearance seemed to surprise the entire crew and the demigoddesses.

"Where did you get the princess?" Aranessa asked as she poked the young woman, "And did you kill her?"

Before I could answer Cleo threw herself at me. "Y/N!"

I chuckled and hugged her, "Someone is excited to see me."

Cleo quickly backed up and smacked me, "Don't do stupid shit like that again!"

"I was just trying to save you all!" I defended myself.

"And we appreciate it lad." Old Collin said.

"But we didn't fuckin' ask ya to!" Lennings shouted, finishing Old Collin's sentence.

That sentiment seemed to be shared by the entirety of the crew. Aranessa walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N you are a part of this ragged crew now, your Sartossan in our eyes, and we don't give up our own. Next time you do that, I'll lash ya." She told me seriously, though the punishment part was a bit scary the message as a whole was touching.

"Thanks captain." I smiled.

"Now, tell us why you're a sea beast tamer and princess getter?" She asked, looking behind me.

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