Chapter 17 Statue?

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Good news, Tyson was still alive.

The short version: Rainbow the hippocampus – who'd apparently been following us ever since the Long Island Sound, waiting for Tyson to play with her – had found Tyson sinking beneath the wreckage of the CSS Birmingham and pulled her to safety. She and Tyson had been searching the Sea of Monsters ever since, trying to find us, until Tyson caught the scent of sheep and found this island.

Bad news... still no sign of Y/N.

We were looking and Grover was following the scent of the Golden Fleece, but whatever pirates he's with must have a fast ship.

"Can't this ship go any faster?" Clarisse groaned as she kicked a cannon.

"For the hundredth time. I can't control the speed the wind blows into the sails." I told her starting to get frustrated.

Clarisse just muttered something and crossed her arms.

Grover walked over to me. "It's going to be alright Perse, we'll find Y/N an-"

"Who says he wants to be found?" I asked as I started to feel hopeless.

Grover sighed. "I... I don't know him as well as you, nor do you as well as Katherine, but." Grover sighed again. "I have a feeling that we'll find him whether he wants to be found or not. So how about you focus on what you'll say to him?"

"Grover's right Perse." Annabeth said. "He has the Golden Fleece and the Oracle must have told Clarisse she'd get it back to camp so we will find him."

"We will find the nice boy." Tyson told me, and I smiled.

Yeah, we had to find him.




"Lucy, you know I was joking, right?" I asked as Avery held my hands behind my back.

The bear twins, whose names I am not sure are important to learn, stood behind Lucy holding two chains. They looked to be normal steel, but you never know when it comes to demigods and the bs they come with.

"Well you see Y/N, the sea of monsters is guarded by a monster and... we need a sacrifice for our own to get by." Lucy smirked. "No hard feelings."

'For our own'? What does she mean by that? Before I could question it I felt chains getting wrapped around my wrist. It was the bear twins, and then they threw me overboard, ripping me from Avery's grip. Avery looked extremely reluctant, but no one but me seemed to notice it.

I hit the side of the Princess Andromeda with a loud thud. It didn't help that the metal was hot, but luckily the Golden Fleece would heal any bruising. The other chain was yanked then pulled and I started to slide up the ship towards the bow of the ship, where the statue of Princess Andromeda was. I kept getting pulled up until I was right against the statue.

"Heh, come here often?" I asked the statue, which obviously did not respond. "Cold like the roman in Hades."

At some point during the pulling the Golden Fleece jacket got undone and now it was being blown around the statue as well. Got to say, this was not comfortable. Though the woman I was being pulled against was metal, and my back was towards the water so I couldn't even see what was down there, but maybe that was for the best. I do not like the deep sea.




"So Clarisse... are these the same pirates?" I asked, looking around as we were tied to the mast of a ship, pirates surrounding us. Along with what I think were eleven blue tattooed Laistrygonians and a dozen or so dwarves... odd crew.

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