Chapter 19 Yeah, You're Shit at Killling Me

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"Who's on me now?" I groaned.

"Quiet, I'm trying to sleep." Cleo groaned.

Not thinking I take my hand and slap whatever it was on. Cleo jolted and was now sitting up blushing staring at me.

"Don't slap my butt!" She shouted.

"In my defense I didn't know what I'd slap." I said sleepily as I opened my eyes to look at her... "Why do you bind your chest?"

Cleo glared at me. "Are you calling me flat?"

"I... was just asking a question." I said slowly as I continued to stare at her bare chest. "But why are you shirtless?"

"Just... shutup!" She yelled as she scrambled out the hammock for her shirt.

I nodded as I stayed there in the same position, a little blush slowly leaving my face. After a minute I got up and stretched, hearing and feeling a few satisfying pops. Cleo looked back at me after getting a shirt on, she clearly was looking at my bare chest.

"You're missing a nipple." She stated as she looked away.

Looking down at my chest I saw the scar from my left collar bone down to my lower ribs. Lucy did that last year. It's not a scar that I like to think about, it's odd to see in the mirror.

"Lucy did when she tried to kill me." I told her.

Cleo walked in front of me and started to trace the scar. Her gentle touch sent shivers through my body. "How are you doing?"

"I'm alright." I shrugged and she laughed as she looked up, putting a hand on my cheek.

"How about you tell me the real answer?" She suggested with a soft smile.

"I will after I get the chance to take a shower." I said as I took her hand from my cheek and held it.

She pouted a bit, "Well if you need me to fight those demigoddesses I will."

I chuckled, "Thanks Cleo."

Hearing someone clear their throat we both quickly turned to see Sylin with her arms crossed. I felt Cleo hug me, she also slipped something into my pocket.

Sylin sighed, "Y/N you break my sister's heart and I break you."

"Yeah, yeah, that classic stuff." I said not really bothered by the threat.

She scoffed, "You could at least pretend it affects you."

"Sorry Admiral, your threat is duly noted." I said, in a slight teasing tone, which she just rolled her eyes.

She rolled her eyes, "Get up to the deck, Aranessa is going to kill those brats if they annoy her any further."

I sighed as I pulled myself from Cleo and went up the stairs. When I got up I saw the crew was mostly doing their own things. Old Collin was watching Andromeda play with Old Rom, though Lennings did sometimes suffer from Old Rom's over-excited glides. Scylla was talking with Charybdis, both giggling about something as they sat on the bow of the ship. The demigoddesses were on the captain's deck seemingly bothering Aranessa who gave me a 'Get here now!' look.

I quickly went up beside Aranessa who I caught saying, "Here, now negotiate with him!"

"What do they want?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"The Golden Fleece, you know, for Thalia's tree." Clarisse said bluntly.

I looked around noticing that I did not have it on my shoulders. I continued to look until I spotted it on Andromeda's shoulders, who looked at me and gave me a bright smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

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