Chapter 16 Special Treatment

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When we got to the main square, I saw a sight that made my blood freeze.

Lucy stood at the front of dozens of demigoddesses and monsters. She quickly spotted me and a cold smile came to her face. "Ah... an old face."

"Lucy." I said as I walked in front of Aranessa. "You've made... acquaintances." I said, not sure how to word it for her ally's.

"I travel well." Lucy shrugged, before gesturing to Aranessa and her crew. "You seem to as well."

"I'm likable." I shrugged, feeling Signa land on my shoulder.

"Yeah, a real shame the Olympian's couldn't see your value." Lucy responded casually, as she rested her hand on her sword at her waist. Backbiter, the sword that gave me the scar currently on my chest, removed a nipple too.

"Like you did when you tried killing me last year?" I countered.

She put her hands up, "I admit, it was a mistake on my part. I admit my mistakes and want to make amends. Join me Y/N, you'll be more than a hero."

"I'd stand as an unholy god in your new age." I stated flatly.

"If that's what you desire. Just need the strength to accomplish it." Lucy countered.

"Lucy, cut the shit." I told her. "What do you really want with me?"

"That's what I like about you, you see through everything somehow." Lucy laughed, "But you're gonna be bait, I need the Golden Fleece. After I get what you want, I'll let you go."

"And if I refuse?" I asked.

"Your friends here all pay the price." Lucy said simply.

I glanced behind me to see the crew of the Swordfysh all looking nervous. Aranessa gripped her bone halberd tightly as she looked around, judging the odds. Cleo hid behind Sylin.

Slowly I took my bag off and threw it to Cleo. "You'll leave them alone?" I asked.

Lucy nodded. "You have my word, they'll be left to find whatever peace they can on this forgotten island."

"Well gonna cuff me?" I asked, walking forward with my hands up.

Lucy smiled, "Glad you are understanding Y/N." Lucy looked back at the crew of the Swordfysh. "No one ever seems to want to stand up for you, do they?"

I shrugged ignoring how hurtful, but true that was. "You know what they say, if you want something done right, do it yourself."

Lucy only chuckled, shaking her head as some tall chocolate skinned demigoddess came up and handcuffed my hands behind my back.




"This book not open?" Lucy asked, holding Liber Necris. She's been trying to open it for the past ten minutes.

"It only opens if it wants." I shrugged. I wasn't lying, it really does only open for people it likes. Katherine just barely gets it open an inch.

After a few more minutes of struggling Lucy sighed as she threw Liber Necris on a table. I was grateful I threw my bag to Cleo, it had the Tome of Fate in it. Now I just had to trust Cleo with it. Signa should be with hi- her too.

"So, how's life Y/N?" Lucy asked, staring at me as she propped her feet up.

Currently I am sitting cuffed in a stateroom. It was beautiful, and it was horrible.

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