6. Horse Thief Hero

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Lainey woke up the next day with someone's arms wrapped around her and a bandage around her knuckles where her skin had broken. She leaned back and felt lips start giving her kisses to the back of her neck before they traveled to the side of her face.

"Pin," she laughed, moving her hand to hold his.

"You were absolutely incredible last night," he whispered against her neck. He felt guilty that he wasn't there to help her, but just knowing that she willingly fought off horse thieves made him love her even more.

She smiled to herself and leaned back, "do you think Zoe's okay?"

"She'll be okay," he promised her, his voice coming out a little rough since it was early in the morning.

She turned over to see his face and he looked so beautiful even with his hair a mess from sleeping. Everything about him just made her fall in love with him that much more.

"We should get up, we need to head to the field." Pin groaned.

"We're always there so early, sleep in for once." She leaned into him, snuggling into his arms. It reminded her of last night. For some reason, Jade texted him about what happened and he showed up at her house, her mom letting him in with no questions asked.


When the couple did finally make it into the stables, her and Pin separated pretty fast as he had work he needed to get done. The barn dance and the county show were coming up so he needed to set up the jumps for today.

Mia showed her cousin all the new tech in place for security. She also found out from Jade that Zoe was finally having official riding lessons that were approved by her mother.

It was all pretty exciting and she was sure. This year, Lainey was finally going to try out for the county show. Every year she wanted to, but Mia always said she should wait another year just so that she would be ready since a show was a lot of pressure. Even though Mia had been competing since 4th grade.

Even though she was planning on trying out, she was still helping with the tryouts. Setting up courses and stuff for the different categories. She helped Marcus and Pin every year.

It was something that she started doing when she was younger. She felt that since she was as in charge as her older cousin or as smart as her brother, she would be the most athletic. She joined fencing, archery, gymnastics, and really any other things she could get her hands on, just to be good at something. That's what got her to help around Bright Fields more, she wanted to prove that she could lift like the boys and that she was useful.

Her and Pin finished setting up for the jumpers and she smiled at him. "I'm gonna do it this year. I'm gonna try out!"

He smiled at her excitedly, "really?" She nodded. "Finally! I've been waiting for what 7 years now?"

She laughed at him, "yeah, I know, but I think I'm ready."

"You definitely are," he told her in a sincere voice. "You've been ready to do this since you were 12." She kissed him lightly before pulling away. "Good luck." She grabbed her helmet and made her way to where the jumpers were waiting for their tryouts.

However, someone grabbed her hand, "Are you sure about this, Lainey. I still don't think you're ready."

Lainey looked at her cousin, "why not?"

"Well for one, you're too scared. You don't have the confidence to be able to actually pull this off. You're worse than Zoe and she just got here. Secondly, you need more training or you're going to make a fool of yourself." Lainey crossed her arms.

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