Pin was driving through the street and stopped at a road that was down to one lane as Marcus started getting ready. He looked over and laughed.
"What is that? The invite said "black tie," Marcus. It didn't say anything about a tux."
Marcus laughed and looked back at Daniel who was taking off his coat to reveal his tux already on, "Well Pin, 'black tie' is just a rich person's way of saying 'suit up.'"
Pin bit his lip and looked over at them, "Lainey wouldn't mind if I didn't have one, though."
Daniel shrugged, "Lainey wouldn't–"
"Mia would," both him and Marcus said at the same time.
Pin sighed as his friend patted his shoulder, "Trust me, you need a suit."
"I haven't got a suit!"
"I've got a suit," the elf spoke up from next to Daniel.
"Is it an elf suit?" Pin questioned, looking back at the elf that was wearing a bright green suit with a matching hat.
"I'll pass," Pin sighed, looking back to the road. Just another thing he had done wrong.
Marcus smiled at him, "Don't worry, I always carry a spare." He looked up and the light was green for them to go.
"Lights have changed," the elf pointed out.
"Let's go, go, go. Ferry will be leaving soon." They went to leave, but a woman came up to the window.
She was nice looking and Marcus rolled his eyes, "Are you boys from the island?"
"Ignore her."
Pin gave him a look before he turned to her, "Hello."
"Hi. I need to drop a turkey off at my daughter's house, but my car is on the blink and I really need–"
"Sure. We can help," he nodded and she smiled and walked off to get the turkey.
"Thank you."
"Pin, what are you doing?" Marcus hissed and Danny just signed, leaning back in his seat, he just wanted to be home for Christmas.
"We're going the same way," he reasoned before the woman came back. "You can just put the turkey in the..." He wasn't able to say anything else as the woman didn't come back with a frozen turkey, but a live one and placed it in Marcus's lap.
"...back." He closed his mouth to stop from laughing as Marcus looked at it.
"It's looking at me funny."
"I think it likes you," Danny laughed, leaning forward as the woman got in next to him.
"Just drive."
Lianey was filing the paperwork away. She had just gotten all the permits finished for Pony Camp that summer. Now, she was going to get a head start on the showcase and nationals paperwork. They were going for a bigger nationals team so that they could compete in a few categories.
It was just in time for Becky's Christmas performance when she got a call, "Hello?"
"Good Afternoon, Faith," came the voice of her trainer at St. Emily's. "I was just wondering if you had finished filling out your forms for the regionals, I need those before the end of break."Her eyes widened and she looked around the desk before spotting them, "yes, I have them in my hand, I'll fax them over later today."
"Perfect and have you found a new horse to ride?" She hummed and Lainey shut her eyes tightly.

You, Me: Us
FanfictionTwo friends Two Horses One Summer that changes everything. A new girl comes into town with her younger sister and uncovers plans and schemes that were happening right under everyone's noses, also stirring up drama within their group. New faces, new...