2. Camping

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They headed off through the woods. It wasn't as dense on this side of the island as there was still a lot of damage to the soil from the war. Jade slowed to a stop and they all gathered around her. "What's wrong?" Becky asked as Jade looked at her phone confused.

"The boys are heading somewhere else. Look at their map. Their "X" is on the beach, but our book says the stone is on a rocky peninsula," Jade reasons and Becky takes her phone.

"Let me see that."

"What do you think?" Jade asked.

"It might be that their map points to something else," Gaby suggested. "Like buried treasure or where the smugglers left a ship. It could really be anything with how old the castle is." Lainey and Zoe nodded, but the other two didn't hear as they were looking at something else.

Gaby cleared her throat and looked over, "Someone's coming."

They all turned to the newcomer and sighed, "Hi, Mia," Becky greeted kindly.

"Hello. What are you all doing out here?" She asked, settling next to Gaby.

"Hacking,'' Zoe said before anyone else, trying to throw them off. "And you?"

Susie took over, "Oh, we heard about Galentine's and wanted to get involved. Right, Mia?" She smiled at Zoe. She might love Bright Fields, but she was still the same Mia she always was.

"Absolutely. It's like you always say, us girls should stick together." Then, Jade gasped and they all looked over as she pointed at a tree.

"Zoe, that red tree is like the one in your grandma's book!"

"We're going the right way!" Beckky cheered.

"Come on. Let's ride," Zoe said and they all moved forward, even their new additions. Lainey wanted to stay as far away from Mia as possible, she was still mad at her for Christmas and hadn't talked to her much since then.


The boys were walking through the woods and Marcus took out the map and Danny looked down to where his belt was and saw a pink card, "Oh, Marcus! You shouldn't have," he teased, giving him a wink.

He glared at his friend, "Wanna pretend you didn't see that?"

He looked away, still smiling, "Sure." Pin chuckled as Marcus rolled his eyes.

"What can I say? I love Valentine's Day. Did you get something for Zoe?" He asked, looking at Danny. Pin gave him a sad stare as the other boy started forward again.

"Walk on."

"Daniel!" Marcus called out as they both followed after him. "Did you forget?"

"No!" The boy countered, he knew exactly when and what day it was. "It's all a mess. I think Zoe is, like... super into it all, and I sort of... haven't talked to her since I got back."

Marcus cringed, "Okay, yeah. That is a mess. What's your problem with Valentine's Day?"

Daniel shook his head, "Long story." Pin knew the story, he knew from Lainey, but didn't think it was his place to try and help his friend with it. He needed to talk to Zoe for it.

"Dan, I'm taking a risk with this card, and I think you need to do the same. Whatever it is, just tell her. I'm sure she'll understand," Marcus said before turning to Pin. "What about you, what are you getting for the future duchess?"

PIn laughed, "Lainey and I don't really do Valentine's day. I mean of course we'll spend the day together, maybe have dinner, but we don't do presents." The trainer looked at him disappointed.

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