1. Wild Horses

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Nationals were behind them and the Nightly twins were back home. This is where Lainey belonged and she knew it. Now that she finally graduated, she was able to go to school online for college. Daniel was still deciding where he was going to go, but he was excited for high school to be over.

Lainey was once again, running on the beach with her friends. They came to a stop when Zoe turned to look at Gaby.

"I still think you should apply for the under 18s! You would totally make the squad," she insisted and Gaby rolled her eyes fondly.

"No way, competitions bring out the worst in me," she laughed, thinking back to all the other times.

"At least you're conscious about it," Lainey teased and Gaby ran past her as she and Zoe started a race. "No fair!"

"Be careful you two!" Jade shouted to them. "We'll see you back at Bright Fields!"

Lainey sighed and turned Priscilla around, "I can't wait until you have your baby."


The group got back to Bright Fields and left their horses to eat as Zoe came in with Raven, Gaby, and a new kid. The three girls giggled as they saw the sign on Zoe's back. "ZOE!" Jade called out as they ran after her. "Zoe! Group hug!" All three jumped on her.

She laughed, "Guys, what's with the horse hugs? I just saw you five minutes ago." Jade pulled the sign off her back.

"We are just... following orders," she teased, showing the sign. Zoe's mouth dropped as she looked at Gaby.

"Did you that was there the whole time?"

Gaby shrugged, amused, "Maybe."

Zoe gestured to the small boy next to Gaby, "this is my little cousin, Aaron, he's staying for the summer. Which will be fun when Rosie gets here in a few weeks."

Lainey laughed, looking at Becky, "Bet Ben's excited."

She nodded, hugging her clipboard, "beyond. Can't get him to talk about anything else. Welcome to Bright Fields, Aaron." He looked at her clipboard confused.

"What's breakfast club?"

She perked up a little, "Oh, Pin's asked me to run an early-morning riding club for kids in exchange for free stabling for Bob. We've got ponies and everything." She then looked to her friend who had grabbed her laptop and sat on a bench. "Jade, what are you doing?"

"I said I'd help, but first I have to sort out my science project. It's senior year for me, I have to finish strong," she insisted and looked at Lainey. "Like you did, I swear highest marks."

Lainey rolled her eyes before crossing her arms, "May have been because I sabotaged everyone else."

"Can't wait for that next year," Becky said sarcastically, looking at Zoe, who was also only a Junior. Gaby was a senior, but was a young senior, starting the off as a brand new 17 year old.

"You do know it's the summer holidays, right?" Gaby questioned as they looked at her in concern.

The Indian girl with flowers in her hair looked at them betrayed, "Guys, this is serious, I dropped a grade last term. This project has to be perfect."

They nodded and turned away from her so she could work. Becky smiled at Aaron, "hey, Aaron, do you ride?" She walked away with him and Lainey waved at the others, starting to back away.

"Sorry, got to get preparations started for Pony camp." She walked away from them and into the office where Pin and Ted were nailing something to the wall. She looked at him amused, "are you planning a robbery so soon?" She questioned.

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