8. Gaby

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Lainey had dropped everything she was doing and rushed over to Pin's house last night. When she got there, Elvis was tied up and sleeping.

She parked and got out, walking isde to see a light red head lady sitting at their table. "Oh, hello," the older lady smiled at her. She didn't say anything back and just walked past Ted up to Pin's room.

"Oh, love," she sighed, seeing him. She pulled off her shoes and slid into bed, just holding him. "Everything's going to be alright, you'll see."


She had gotten up early and left for the stables, having promised Pin that when he was ready they would talk about his mom more. She had one last day to train and wanted to make sure that they were ready.

Priscilla was still in Elvis's stable where she left her. She pet her and smiled, "hey, girl." She placed on her tack and led her from the room to go train.

She met Alex who's turn it was. He was on the field and had just finished his jumps. "Arlight! Now, Lainey," James called her up and she held her hand out. "James."


He looked up, "anything like your brother?"

She shrugged, "slightly."

"Well, then let's get to it," he gestured and she climbed up on her horse. The course was already lined up and ready for her and she took off. Priscilla made every jump easily.

She had been doing these for months, she knew what she was doing. The only thing that was throwing her off was Raven on the other side of the field. SHe coudlnt' keep her eyes off of him.

That was her job to watch him and take off if he took off. "Gain her attention back!" James yelled. "Can't have a horse that won't listen."

"SHUT IT!" Lainey yelled at her trainer as she averted her attention back to the jumps and away from the black horse who went back to the stables. The pair came back ot the beginning where James was waiting for them.

He pat the horse. "Well, you did good, except for her being distracted by Zoe–"

"It's Raven," she countered. "Her task used to be Raven's controller. She's not used to not having her eyes on him."

James nodded, glancing off in the distance to where Raven and Zoe had left to go meet up with Pin. He then turned back to the horse who seemed to be panting. "This your first ride of the day?"

Lainey nodded and looked at his concerned face, "Yeah, why?"

"She just seems to be breathing heavy is all," he told her, trying not to seem too worried. "Probably nothing, but maybe get that boyfriend of yours to look, make sure her lungs are alright from the smoke." She nodded as he patted her one more time.

"Good luck at junior Nationals, you'll do great," he complimented the girl and she smiled at him before trotting back to the stables where Zoe was leading Raven away from Pin.

"HEY!" She shouted out and he smiled seeing his girlfriend.


Lainey jumped off her horse and took off her helmet. "Can you check over her?" She asked, gesturing to her horse. "She's been tired more, agitated, and James says that she was panting."

Pin frowned and moved his hands over her chest. He tilts his head as Lainey bites her lip as she watches him.

He ran his hands under her and he started to smile, "there's nothing wrong with her, but I think you should be a bit more careful."

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