The next day, Gaby thought it was the perfect opportunity to talk to Pin. They were going on a ride, her taking Elvis and he taking Jet.
They were just walking around, close to Bright Fields when they came across Zoe's mom. "Oh, hey Pin!" She greeted the young boy. "Sorry, my head's in the clouds with Zoe's birthday party. You're coming aren't you? Bring Lainey and your other friend here."
Pin started to stutter and Gaby took over for him, "Speaking as Pin's friend, we'd both love to come."
She smiled excitedly, she missed having the other two around the yard. They were very lively and a great help. "Great! Okay, better go. Lots to do."
She walked away and Pin and Gaby continued on their ride, "You don't have to hide it. I know."
"Know what?" Pin questioned, looking forward, not meeting her eye.
"That you and Zoe kissed at the beach." Both stopped their horses and he sighed. "How could you do that to her! She is so special and so amazing, she's done nothing but be supportive of you. She tells you that this girl makes her feel jealous and you say all this nice crap, but then you go and kiss her–"
"She kissed me!" Pin corrected, frustrated. He shook his head angrily even thinking of the other girl. "She threw herself at me! You should know this! I was mad at her about what she did to Raven and about truth or dare and all of a sudden she's kissing me– then you all show up and I don't know what to do!"
Gaby continued forward as the boy followed, "You talk to your girlfriend, that's what. She's upset, she's angry– at herself by the way, she's crying. You're lucky her brother doesn't know or he'd be down here to kick your arse."
Pin looked down at his horse. Of course he should've talked to her, but he was guilty. He was afraid. He thought she would leave, but she would leave if he didn't talk to her. He nodded his head and looked up to the grey sky in front of him. "I'll talk to her."
"I think you should also talk to someone else." He looked down at the girl confused.
"How do you think you got caught stealing the cup? Your friend, Marcus the good guy, called us."
He smirked, "You know what, I think we should go to that party."
Pin arrived back at the academy to stable Jet and Lainey was there, brushing Priscilla. "Hey," he smiled at her and she looked at him and then back at her horse, ignoring him. "I know that you saw what happened the other day at the beach– I want to tell you she means nothing." Lainey looked over at him and started braiding her horse.
"I didn't kiss her," he said quickly, grabbing another rubber band to help her. "She kissed me and I didn't want to do anything with so many people around, Raven was already scared enough." His hand moved over hers and she stopped working to look at him.
Her hand grasped his, "I love you so much, I couldn't even cry. I just felt numb. You've been my everything for so long, I couldn't imagine going forward in my life without you in it."
"I feel the same– you're mine forever," he pulled her and moved her to face him. His fingers brushed over her cheek and she leaned into his warmth. "You're mine. I'm yours."
"You're mine," she repeated with a smile on her face. "Perfect."
He smiled, "you sure are, however, we have a party to get to so you might want to change."
She looked at him confused, "Party? You mean Zoe's party?" He nodded and she smirked, "let's."
A few hours later, the trio walked into the tent where they were holding the party. None of them wore anything too fancy as no one else was. They looked around and immediately went to the smoothie bar.

You, Me: Us
FanfictionTwo friends Two Horses One Summer that changes everything. A new girl comes into town with her younger sister and uncovers plans and schemes that were happening right under everyone's noses, also stirring up drama within their group. New faces, new...