1. O.S.

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Like Lainey had predicted this year had been interesting. First, she had been calling Gaby a lot, she had been visiting Pin and Elvis whenever she could, and she was being blackmailed into joining her school's equestrian team, not that anyone had to know that part.

But now, she could finally put that part out of her mind as she was back on the Island for Christmas. Her brother and Marcus would be arriving soon and hopefully Pin would be almost done with his travels.

"Last one to the beach is a Christmas pudding!" Zoe yelled, knocking Lainey out of her thoughts.

"Hey, that's not fair, pregnant horse!" She yelled, but still ran past Jade and was right behind Zoe and Raven.

They made it to the beach in the order they were always in, Zoe, Lainey, Jade, and Becky, who was finally able to ride Bob again.

"Zoe's first English Christmas," Jade enthused as they trotted along the beach.

"We're so happy to have you here," Becky grinned.

"Thanks for the sweater, Becky," she said looking down at the blue one she had on with a reindeer. "It's way colder than L.A."

"Feeling home sick yet?" Lainey questioned, she always did when she was away from the island, away from Pin.

"A little. It's weird being without my family, but I had to stay. For Raven." It was true, Maggie and Rosie had to go back home, even though she really didn't want to, but she was going to be back this summer. "Anyways it's cool, I'm going to make the perfect Christmas for me and my grandpa. I'm thinking lights, decorations, eggnog–"

"Egg– what?" Becky asked, making a face.

"You're going to love it!" Zoe promised and Lainey shook her head.

"No she won't."

She rolled her eyes, "okay, maybe Becky won't, but we'll enjoy it. Speaking of family, is Danny going to be home? What about Pin?"

Lainey shrugged, she was keeping it a secret from Zoe so that he could surprise her, "I'm not sure. It depends on his exam schedule. As for Pin, I've really got no clue, sorry Cilla."

She nodded, then shook her head, "you know, I could use your help. My grandpa literally has one decoration."

Becky's eyes widened, "sounds like he really does need our help."

The girls stopped by the store and picked up some decorations before heading back to Zoe's house, "hey, Frank."

"Hi, Frank!"

"Hiya, Frank!" The other three girls greeted as they walked inside.

"What's all that?" He questioned them, looking amused. They didn't answer as Becky looked around, horrified at only the small little tree they had.

"Oh wow. Okay, this.. This is worse than I thought."

Jade cringed, "serious case of the tinselitis."

Lainey sighed before nodding, "we need full code Christmas cheer."

"Ladies, decoration stations!" Zoe cheered and they all ran to their spots with their boxes and started their decorating.

"What are you lot up to?" Her grandpa questioned as they walked.

"Say hello to your first pony squad Christmas," Zoe teased and the girls all grinned at the old man excitedly.

It was really nice to be back with her friends. School was so much work and there was just so much drama to keep up with since it was a co-ed boarding school.

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