Chapter Twenty-Six

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A whole year. I'd been living in Stardew Valley for a whole year. The winter melted off into a chilly spring morning as I got up out of bed and began the first day of my second year here. It was still hard for me to believe I had been living here for a whole year. It felt like I had just arrived yesterday and was still trying to manage my new lifestyle. But as I got out of bed and made my way into the kitchen to make myself a coffee, the regular morning routine I'd had for the last year felt like second nature. I wasn't new to town anymore. I was part of this town. I'd made a place for myself and even made friends along the way. The pessimistic person I was when I arrived here was nothing more than a distant memory. I still felt like I had a long way to go, but the start of this second year was already feeling promising.

Just as the coffee machine finished spitting out the last little bit of caffeine into my mug, I heard a soft knock on the door. I looked towards the closed front door at first, wondering who could be showing up at my doorstep at seven in the morning besides Lewis. I grabbed my mug of coffee and made my way to the front door, opening it and revealing a man who I didn't recognize. It certainly was not Lewis and I couldn't ever remember seeing him at the saloon on Fridays but he did look strangely familiar.

"Um," He began, clearing his throat slightly. "Hello there. My name is Kent." He introduced himself to me and I still wondered who he was. I looked at him, standing awkwardly on my small porch in his army green jacket with gold buttons running down the front. His dirty blonde hair was a little wild and ruffled and he looked just like... "I'm Sam's father."

It took all of my concentration to keep my eyes from growing wide and I blinked quickly a few times to stop myself from letting my facial expressions expose me like they always did. "Oh!" I said, a little too much emphasis in my tone. I knew Sam's dad was coming home at the start of this year, but I didn't think he would make a trip all the way out here to introduce himself to me.

"I just got back last night from overseas and my wife told me that a new farmer had moved in while I was gone." Kent continued, his body still stiff and awkward. "I just wanted to introduce myself."

"I'm Stella." I told him, extending my hand out to him politely but he simply stood there, still stiff and staring at my hand for a moment before reaching his hand out and taking my hand in his own almost like his brain had a delay in reaction. I could feel the skin of his fingers were rough and calloused as they wrapped around the back of my hand and I couldn't help but wonder what weapons of mass destruction these hands had also held in the same spot my own hand was placed now. "This was my grandfather's farm." I said as my hand retracted from his and returned to my side.

Kent's eyes lit up in surprise. "Well, your grandfather was a good man. I'm sorry to hear he's passed on."

I stood there in silence awkwardly in front of Kent, just as awkward as he was standing. I never knew how to respond when someone gave their condolences on the passing of a loved one. Thanking them seemed like the right thing to do, but it also felt strange at the same time. Then, I came to the realization that this was the first time Kent was hearing about my grandfather since he returned. My grandfather had been gone for nearly four years. I wondered just how long Kent had been gone for if he had no idea my grandfather had died.

"Well," Kent said, breaking the awkward tense silence that had passed between us for at least a minute now. "I'll see you around."

I watched him turn and descend the stairs before I went back inside and continued on with my morning routine as if nothing had happened.


"Stella!" Sam called my name as I walked into the pool room that night. He sloppily flung an arm around me and pressed a messy kiss to my cheek. He was drunk. I could recognize it from anywhere. I quickly glanced at Sebastian who wasn't paying us any attention as he bent over the pool table, focusing in on his shot. I then looked to Abigail on the couch, who merely grimaced and the look in her eyes told me she had a lot to catch me up on.

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