Chapter Thirty-Two

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When I woke up the next morning, I'd forgotten for a moment that I wasn't in my own bed until I looked beside me and saw a slumbering Sebastian, his arm lazily draped over my waist. I smiled at his peaceful features, lost in a dream. My movement must've woken him up because his eyelids fluttered open, blinking several times as his eyes adjusted to his now conscious state.

"Did we do what I think we did last night?" He asked, his voice deep and groggy as he rubbed the sleep from one eye with his knuckle.

I snuggled my head up against his chest. "Mhm." I hummed and his arm tightened around me as he pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him now, his eyes still tired as they blankly stared down at me. "I'm glad we did." I told him, and I was glad. Not solely because I'd waited over a year for this moment, but because I felt like I was starting to grow genuine feelings for Sebastian. But that was also terrifying in itself.

"Hmm." He hummed as well. "Me, too."

When I realized what time it was, I practically jumped from the bed, pulling my clothes from last night back on as Sebastian tried to beckon me back to bed.

"I have animals to take care of." I said, shimmying my pants up over my hips and I watched him frown as I covered up his view.

"Stella, pleeeease." Sebastian whined, begging, "Cuddle with me." His arms were extended out, welcoming me back into the warm bed but I knew I couldn't stay.

"I'll see you later." I chuckled, making my way up the stairs and almost running into a bright eyed Robin. Shit.

"Oh, good morning, Stella!" Robin said, her voice too chipper for my foggy, sleep deprived brain. "Did you come by to see Sebby? He usually sleeps pretty late."

"Um, yeah!" I went along with her premonition. "I came by to see him but he's still asleep so I'll just come by later." I lied straight to her face and I felt horrible about it.

Robin just kept smiling at me, probably just relieved that her son finally had a new friend. "When he wakes up, I'll let him know you stopped by."

I nodded, and took the rest of my walk of shame past Robin, and out into the unsuspecting world beyond that front door.


Sebastian and I continued to see each other every Wednesday, but our dance between the sheets wasn't solely restricted to just Wednesdays. We'd sometimes spend the night at each other's houses on Fridays after the saloon, but we had to be extra careful that Sam and Abigail didn't catch on, or see us walking home together.

I spent more time with Sebastian in just the last few weeks than anyone else I'd grown close to since I moved here a year and a half ago. Now that I'd tasted him, I needed more. It was like a purgatory curse of endless thirst that I could never satisfy, no matter how many times I tried.

One morning, after feeding Luna, I headed out to the barns to feed the animals and let them out for the day. The heat today had been higher than it had been all summer and it was only going to continue to get hotter as the day went on. Stepping outside felt like stepping into an oven. The air was thick from the humidity almost like you could choke on it if you breathed too much of it in at one time.

I laid the hay out in each barn, letting the animals eat while I tidied up as best I could with how hot it was. I had barely moved very much and already felt the sweat beading on my forehead and trickling down the back of my neck. I opened the animal doors on each barn, letting the air rush inside, not that it helped much. The interior of the barns almost felt cooler before I opened the doors.

I made my way back outside, looking down as I watched the chickens run around my feet as they searched for more food, only to find I had none left. I knelt down, giving one of them a nice pat as she snuggled up to my leg. It was surprising to me how affectionate chickens could be, almost as affectionate as Luna, though I didn't think any of my animals could beat her in the need for attention contest.

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