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The day of the wedding

The place was decorated with beautiful pink and white roses. Resembling his dress which had a flower print on it. Walking down the stalls. he looks around at the guests with cold eyes. Who were pointing Fingers at him and gossiping something among themselves. Ignoring them. he kept his head high. Sitting in a corner where not many will be able to see him. Eating his food peacefully. Finally away from their stares. His mouth was stuffed with the delicacy when he hears a chuckle behind him

Jisung: Isn't it a sight. My cupcake have a cupcake?

Tae rolls her eyes at him. Continuing to eat. Waiting for the ceremony to begin like everyone else. And jisung just sighs. Sitting beside him

Jisung: On a serious note Cupcake. You shouldn't be here.It's...not right.

He ignores his words. Continuing to stare at his food. Thinking of which delicacy to have next.

Th:Umm which should I have next?

Jisung was loosing his patience now. Moving closer his chair to him. He holds his wrist. Stopping him.

Jisung: Stop this pretence Cupcake. I know how you are feeling

he pulls back his hand from his grip. Ignoring his words once again.

Th: This is a must try. Don't you think so?

Jisung: Can you tell me which sane ex wife would come to his husband's wedding and enjoy delicacies as if it's his best friends wedding?

Th: Me

Jisung literally wanted to bang his head on the table. Was he bipolar or what? Day before yesterday he was crying buckets whole day over his lost love. And look at him now. Attending the wedding of his ex husband and cousin sister with a big irritating smile on his lips. he was going to return back to eating.

Jisung: Enough of this childishness now. We are leaving now.

He says getting up. To only find his gaze hardened at him. That smile vanishing from his lips.

Th: I am not.

when the announcement is made of the welcome of the groom and bride. He sees him clench his fists. Jisung sees everyone shouting in excitement rushing to the entrance. And he again curses. Why does tae even want to see him marry her! He sees Bin and others looking over at him in concern. Jisung turns around to see jungkook and Momo coming on the stage to begin the ceremony. And he was feeling suffocated.

He wondered how tae must be feeling. Staring at the couple getting on the stage. Jungkook was giving a small smile to the crowd. Acknowledging their presence when suddenly his grey orbs stop on those brown ones hidden in a corner.  And that smile from his lips drop.

Momo places her hand on his arm. Bringing him out of his trance . And he breaks eye contact with those beautiful brown orbs. She says something in his ear and he nods. Tae still continues to stare at him. he needed to see this. To see the truth with his own eyes.

But jungkook doesn't look back at him again. Not even once. Ignoring him like he didn't even exist there

Jisung: Tae please let's leave

But he doesn't pay heed. His eyes fixed at them. Unfazed. Not even blinking. When the final ceremony started.

??: Do you Kim Momo take Jeon Jungkook as your husband

It was him who said these words to him. And he wanted to laugh at it's irony. Lies. They were all lies for him.

Mm: I do

It was happening. It was finally happening. He was hers now. he had no rights on him. This was a goodbye.

??: Do you Jeon Jungkook take Kim Momo as your wife

There is silence for next few seconds. And he finally dated to look up feeling someone's stare on him And there it was. His hands were held in momo Yet his eyes. They were looking at him Not caring if everyone was waiting. Yet no matter what, he didn't let those tears to fall this time. he gets up from the seat.

To finally escape from here. To let him complete and have his happy ever after. Breaking jungkook eye contact. he turns his back on the crowd and walks away, not caring about anything anymore. he makes his way out of the church.

When suddenly a hand muffled his mouth from behind and pulls him behind a pillar. he tries to break free. Kicking. But no use. The person was way stronger. And the strong scent of something on the cloth near his mouth. Made him feel dizzy suddenly. he sees jisung following him looking around here and there. Calling him but he couldn't tell him. he was there. Behind him. Held captive. His screams slowly die down as he finally had to breathe. And he doesn't know when his vision goes dark.

I wake up to the sound of something dripping to fall on the ground every few seconds. My head feeling light and my body protesting to move. Furrowing my brows I blink my eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness around. To only hear my own heart thud instead when I looked around. The place was scary as hell. It looked like a basement of an old house. Which has been uninhabited since years. The windows were broken. Dirt everywhere around. Water leaking from old rusted pipes. And I gulp. Why am I here? Why is it so silent here? And that's when I remember being taken. Someone pressing a cloth on my mouth! I was kidnapped.

Anxiety hits me. And I try to move to only find my legs immobile. This is bad. I look down to see my legs were tied together with a rope. My arms locked behind my back in a dead grip. And when I try to scream for help. I find a damp cloth muffling my sound. No...not this please. I plead in my mind. Feeling a tear drop fall down my eyes. As I start thrashing in the bounds.

The rope pierces my skin. Rubbing against it. Leaving red marks. But I didn't care. I need to escape to safety. These people are dangerous. Who knows what they even want from me. My struggles continued for I don't know how long till I felt tired. Leaning against the wall to stare outside. I could see the sun set outside. Hours have passed. But no one was here to check on me. I try to scream. To call this person to give me something.

To only lean back tired. It was no use. When I can't hear my own voice, how will they listen to me? I was feeling thirsty. My throat was burning. My arms were aching tied behind my back. My shoulder protesting. I thrash again. But no use. The person had left no loopholes It was impossible.I can't escape from here. Staring down at my sweaty body with my clothes sticking on me. I just sit in silence. Feeling too exhausted.

My eyes dropping. Why...why will anyone do this? What do they want from me. Does anyone even know I was kidnapped? Or they all were too busy celebrating the wedding.Did the wedding happen? I smile to myself. Moving my head in a no. Chuckling at my own thoughts. Of course it must have happened. He wouldn't cancel his marriage because of me. I can bet that they all must be enjoying the party.

Why would he care? He must be having the night of his life with his new wife. I again find my vision going hazy and I realised it to be a doing of my tears. Leaning my head back on the wall I try to reverse their path.

But no use. They were going to be perennial now. I smile sadly at my weak vulnerable self again. What a pathetic useless existence? And suddenly I didn't wanted to go back. To see dad I was content here. Away from their eyes full of pity. Like I am a broken piece. Alone. In peace.

This silence which felt suffocating earlier was feeling calming now. And I don't know when sleep overtook me. I wake up to a bucket of cold water on my face. Making my eyes to bolt open and body to shiver.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄  ᴛᴋWhere stories live. Discover now