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??: Wake up bitch You are not here to sleep.

I try to control my rugged breaths. My body adjusting to the coldness and the lights around. A light bulb was on and a figure was crouching down to my level. He looked dangerous. Like a criminal.l try to move back, afraid. When he grips my jaw.

??: Get up. Boss wants you awake when he comes

I don't say anything. Just stare. Blinking my tears.

??: No touching. Boss ordered.

Rolling his eyes, the man moves back. Leaving my jaw. And I can already feel a bruise forming. My jaw aching. Turning around. He goes and talks to the other man and I just gulp. Seeing around 4 men in the room. They all looked like criminals. With guns in their hands.

Maybe not that peaceful. Who is their boss? Will they kill me? What do they want from me? I try to move. Moving up my legs to my chest. Trying to hide myself. All my clothes were wet. I don't want them to see me like this. My teeth were cluttering from the ice cold water that soaked me. And I was taking deep breaths. When I hear the sound of an engine killing.

??: The boss is here.

The man speaks telling the other and they leave to get him. Damn this. Can they just open my hands? It felt like needles were piercing my shoulders and thighs. And I couldn't do anything. They were numb. Being tied in this painful position since so long. The door bangs open and I see the silhouette of a figure moving towards me. To stand at a distance.

Not coming in the light to show me his face. I breathe heavily from my nose. Feeling the aura around me changing. Looking at him. Showing I was not afraid. When my insides were screaming.

??: isn't this a pitiful sight? Do you like the hospitality here Taehyung?

My heart thuds. That voice. I have heard it. No...he can't be. It's not possible. He loved me...dad loves him. They were family. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of heels clicking and I look up at another figure entering. Her heels come in the light. To be followed by her chuckling.

??: Of course dad. he loves it. After all this is where a trash like he belongs

No...no this is not true. I know she hates me...but she wouldn't stoop to this level would she? My doubts turn to belief when I see her stepping forward in the light and my eyes widen in disbelief. It's her. Stepping closer. She couches down to my level. Looking at me from top to bottom and I press my knees more to my chest.

She notices this and smirks. Moving forward her manicured fingers to touch my face She Caresses Moving forward her manicured fingers to touch my face. She caresses the bruise on my jaw and I felt disgusted. I move aside my head. And she looked offended. Gripping my jaw more tightly this time.

??: Aww. Does it hurt princess?

She laughs at her own joke. Tightening her grip. Making the earlier bruise to burn. And I harden my jaw. I swear if my hands were free. I would kill her right here. I don't give her the sadistic pleasure to see me beg. Keeping my hard stare at her. I look at her coldly.

??: Momo. There is no need to bruise my beautiful baby face now. Step back

Mm: Come on Dad. Finally we have him here with us. Why don't you let r have some fun?

Placing his hands in his pocket. To barely nod. And before anyone knows. A tight snack echoes in the silent room. Making my head to turn to a side. A loud ringing audible in my ears. The bitch just slapped me.

Mm: Ouch! Oh my god! Does it hurt! I am so sorry

I close my eyes. Trying to stop the tears. When I feel another sharp sting on my cheek. That literally made my head to hit the wall behind. I taste blood on my lips and I lean my head back on the wall. But she didn't like that.Grabbing my hair in her fists. She pulls my body to her.

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