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12 years later.

??:It's mine!

??: No! It's mine!

??: You are lying! You stole it from me!

??: I didn't steal! Why will I steal when it is mine!!!

Two girls were brickering. Fighting with each other over a pair of new shoes. Going to the extent of literally tearing each other's hair. When the other students rush in. Holding back the girls.

??: You thief! Let my daddy come! He will not leave you!

??: I am not scared! My mom is the trustee of this school! She will throw you out!

The fight was getting out of control. Some snicker at their childish fight while majority stood there just watching them in indifference. Except for one. Whose gaze for fixed at something or rather someone other than these two girls fighting.

A girl with beautiful grey eyes was looking outside the school gate at another girl leaning on the gate door. She looked poor, with clothes torn and hair shabby. But the girls eyes? They had a lot of hopes in them. Lot of dreams and desires. She stares at the beautiful pair of shoes the girls were fighting over. Her muddy hands holding the railing tightly.

??: What do you think of yourself! You think I am lying!

??:Yes you are! I said I never stole it! We just have two shoes with same design.

??: No these are mine!  They are limited edition!

In the fit of fighting, the so called shoes they were fighting over was laying on the ground. And the girl with grey eyes moves forward. Stopping near them. The two girls fighting. Were too lost. Oblivious of anything around. Picking up the shining pair. The girl approaches the entrance gate of the school. Moving closer to the girl outside.

??: Here. They are yours now

Offering the shoes to her through the gate railing. The brown eyes of the girl outside held shock. Her hands retreating. She has never been shown such generosity before.

??: Come on. Take them.

Scared, looking into her grey eyes. The girl finally dared. Moving forward her hand to hold the shoes with her trembling fingers. Her eyes shining with happiness looking at the shoes in her hands, that couldn't be described. For the poor girl, it looked like she has found the most valuable thing in the world. A small smile broke at the corner of her dry chapped lips and she stutters, looking back at the girl with grey eyes.

??: T-th-ank you

For the girl with grey eyes, the image her eyes beheld were beautiful. The dimples smile on her dirt covere face yet shining eyes. Was priceless. But before the grey eyes girl could admire her more a hand clasps the girl's wrist. A scream roaring behind.

??: What the hell! How dare you give my thousand dollar shoes to this ...this girl!

The girl to whom the shoe belonged screams, realising that someone took her shoe. Looking at the poor girl outside the door in disgust. Her hand grabs the girls wrist to push her back when the grey eyes girl steps forward. Holding the girl's wrist, stopping her

??: Don't

The grey eyes girl warns and other girl widen on realising who was speaking.

??: Lina But how can you give my shoes to her! I was fighting over it! Hell you know how much I love them! They are mine! I want them back!

And that's when Lina calm grey orbs settle at her chaotic ones.

Lina: I know you love them I know you like their design and I also know they are limited edition. But The girl needs them more than both of you You may love it, wear it on few occasions and then once you are bored. You will throw them in the pile of used clothes. But her? She will cherish them forever She will wear them everyday They will save her feet from burning, while for you? They will just be an accessory.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄  ᴛᴋWhere stories live. Discover now