Really Wish You Hadn't Said That

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It was around 9:00 pm and Jack and Zack were sitting in Zack's dorm room at UCLA. It was easier, because Zack has a single room and no roommate.

Jack and Zack sat on Zack's bed, the soft glow of the small  TV in Zack's dresser screen casting flickering shadows on their faces. They were halfway through Star Wars: A New Hope, one they'd watched countless times before. The dorm room was cozy, with posters of bands and movies adorning the walls, and the faint hum of college life outside the window.

Jack shifted slightly, settling more comfortably against Zack, who had his arm draped casually over Jack's shoulders. It had become a regular thing for them – this easy intimacy. Their arrangement allowed for such moments, a quiet understanding that sometimes, everyone just needs to be held.

"Hey, pass me the popcorn," Jack said, reaching out.

Zack chuckled and grabbed the bowl, handing it to Jack. "You always hog the popcorn."

Jack smirked, taking a handful. "Only because you let me."

Zack rolled his eyes but smiled, his gaze returning to the movie. "So, how was your day?"

Jack sighed, leaning his head against Zack's shoulder. "Long. Three back-to-back lectures and a surprise quiz in the last one. I'm beat."

Zack's arm tightened slightly around Jack. "Sounds rough. Glad you made it through."

"Yeah," Jack murmured. "What about you? How was yours?"

"Pretty standard," Zack replied. "But I did ace that physics test I was stressing over."

"Nice! Congrats, man." Jack turned to give Zack a high-five, which turned into an awkward, laughing embrace.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Jack spoke up again. "You know, this whole casual lovers thing... it's working out pretty well."

Zack nodded, his eyes still on the screen. "Yeah, it is. No pressure, just us. it makes perfect sense since we both are going to UCLA together and we know each other so well. I realize that this whole casual lovers arrangement is really helpful filling our emotional and physical needs, and I like it. More specifically- I like it with you."

Jack laughed softly. It didn't seem that emotionally deep, they both knew what it was. Zack seemed to be overthinking it a little bit.

"Same here." Jack said casually.

They continued to watch the movie, the silence between them was comfortable.

Eventually they moved from sitting up to laying down on their sides, facing the TV, the two of them spooning in Zack's bed Every once in a while Zack would readjust and Jack could feel his ass brush up against his waist - Jack was  sure Zack could tell Jack was hard.

With his free arm Jack reached down and just rested his  hand on Zack's hip, Zack turned his head towards Jack and just kinda looked and smiled at Jack  for a few seconds.

"You're really handsome" Zack said with a blush.

Uh oh

Jack just smiled and said "Thanks Zack. You are not bad yourself."

Then Zack  leaned in and kissed Jack, Jack loved how soft Zack's lips were.  It wasn't long before Jack's tongue was exploring his mouth and grabbing onto his hip tighter.

Jack  was reaching down and rubbing Zack's thigh through his  gym shorts, his forearm was brushing against Zack's now rock hard cock at this point occasionally.

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