It Almost Feels Real Sometimes.

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The next morning was awkward to say the least- every time either of them went to apologize- the words never came out.

They got dressed in silence, ate breakfast in silence- each on their phones. Desperately trying to avoid the massive tension between them.

As they walked to the lobby- Jack opened his mouth to speak.

"Alex I'm..." Jack began apologetically.

"Let's just get through this date today. I still don't want to talk about." Alex said, putting a hand up to stop Jack mid thought.

"Do you have to be an asshole all the time? I was clearly trying to apologize for annoying you so badly you needed air." Jack questioned.

"Is that the reason he thought I left?" Alex thought.

"No.... But if I am not an asshole- I will be vulnerable towards you again."Alex thought almost simultaneously.

Alex decided to stick with the 'you annoyed me' narrative to keep his own secret. It was selfish and might hurt Jack- but he couldn't tell Jack the real reason.

"No. I don't need to be an asshole.... But I am just generally annoyed over everything right now. Last night didn't help." Alex said.

It was like a dagger stabbed Alex right in the gut when he saw the hurt flash across Jack's face.

"Well again- I am sorry my presence and impromptu movie night annoyed you."  Jack said as he rolled his eyes.

Alex didn't say anything else.

As Jack and Alex walked toward the aquarium, the tension between them was palpable. The silence was heavy, and both seemed lost in their thoughts. Finally, Alex broke the silence.

"Hey, Jack," Alex started, his voice softer than usual. "I'm sorry I've been mean. Despite everything, I want to start fresh and try to have a good time on this fake double date with Dean and Jen."

Jack looked over at Alex, surprised but relieved. "Thanks, Alex. I forgive you. Honestly, I can't blame you. I've realized I was being a bit too much too."

Alex nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "I guess this whole pretending to be a couple thing is harder than I thought."

"Yeah, it really is," Jack agreed. "But maybe if we both make an effort to understand each other more, it won't be so bad."

"Agreed," Alex said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Let's just try to enjoy the day, okay?"

"Okay," Jack smiled. "Fresh start."

"Jack?" Alex asked softly.

"Yeah Alex?" Jack said- matching Alex's soft tone.

"Never let anyone tell you that you are too much. You don't need to change for anyone. I am sorry I implied you did. If they say you are too much... tell them to go find less." Alex said- trying to be affirming.

Jack's throat was incredibly dry. He was filled with so much could Alex be such an asshole- and then incredibly thoughtful mere moments later? Jack hated how much he found himself clinging to every word Alex said. Good or Bad.

They reached the entrance of the aquarium, where Dean and Jen were waiting for them. Dean waved them over, and they joined the other couple with a newfound sense of ease.

"Ready to see some fish?" Dean asked, grinning.

"Absolutely," Jack replied, glancing at Alex. "Let's make it a good day."

They entered the aquarium, holding hands and showing some convincing PDA. As they strolled along and explored the variety of sea life together, Jack and Alex found themselves genuinely enjoying each other's company.

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