You Deserve Some Type of Acting Award

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After their tense night - they both went to sleep filled with animosity- over their discussion about Alex's finances.

Alex and Jack woke up the next morning with a lingering sense of unease. Begrudgingly, they prepared to head down to breakfast with Jack and Zack's families.

"I am tired of family events. Do we get to have fun soon?" Alex said tiredly as he brushed his teeth in the bathroom with Jack standing next to him.

"Yeah. Later today we are going to the water park."Jack mumbled as he fixed his hair.

As they walked the lengthy walk towards the resort's restaurant, which boasted an extensive breakfast buffet, there was an awkward silence between them.

Alex took a deep breath and turned to Jack.

"Hey, Jack, I need to apologize for last night."Alex said quietly.

Jack glanced at him, eyebrows raised.

"Oh?" Jack questioned.

Jack was about ready to apologize himself- but here Alex was doing it first.

Alex nodded, his expression sincere.

"I wasn't trying to be rude or make you uncomfortable. It's just that money is always a sore subject for me. Growing up lower to middle class in Los Angeles has made me a bit defensive when it comes to the topic of money."Alex explained.

Jack's expression softened slightly. He would never fully understand that struggle. Not like Alex does.

"I get that. But why is it such a sore subject?"Jack asked coolly.

Alex sighed, gathering his thoughts.

"My parents aren't doctors or therapists like yours. My dad is a sanitation worker, and my mom is a schoolteacher. So, I grew up making do with what we had. When someone like you comes along—someone who potentially makes a big financial impact on my life as if it's nothing—I get defensive and worried that I'll somehow have to pay it back. And I know I can't." Alex explains a bit emotionally.

Jack nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"I didn't realize it was like that for you."Jack said slowly.

"Yeah," Alex continued. "I'm on a full-ride scholarship at school, but I also work part-time to make sure I have enough money to survive. My parents can't help me at all. If they had their way, I wouldn't be in school at all. They'd rather I work full-time and live with them, helping with bills and taking care of my little sister."

"Little sister?" Jack asked, curious.

Alex smiled fondly.

"Yeah, her name is Erin, and she's four. Kind of an 'oopsie' by my parents. We have a fourteen-year age gap, which is interesting at times, but I love her dearly. I'd do anything for her." Alex gushed.

Jack was silent for a moment, absorbing Alex's words.

"That's why you're studying music management, isn't it? You want to be successful and provide for your family." Jack said- connecting the pieces.

"Exactly," Alex confirmed. "I want to give them a life they've never experienced before, while pursuing my passion for music."

Jack looked at Alex with newfound respect.

"I really admire your goals and desires. I'm sorry if I was insensitive about the money thing. I'll try to be more considerate in the future." Jack said simply.

Jack really did feel bad. He never thought of it that way. He wants Alex to feel understood in a way.. he gets they may not be best friends at the end of this all... but Jack is starting to develop a soft spot (or at least an understanding) for Alex.

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