What's your Deal?

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Jack stormed into the dorm, slamming the door behind him. Alex's friend Rian looked up from the video game he was playing on the TV, his face instantly contorting in annoyance. Alex, Jack's roommate, was sitting at his desk buried in textbooks, he rolled his eyes at the commotion.

The way their dorm room works is an apartment style, a common space with a kitchen with an island, separating the living room and the the kitchen, there is a shared bathroom and 2 bedrooms. Jack's family is well off, but he procrastinated signing up for housing so by the time school came around, he could not get a single suite like Zack did.

Jack stomped across the room, yanked open the fridge, and pulled out a bottle of wine he had stashed away. His brother had brought him several as his older brother Dean lives not too far away in San Diego.

Since they were both only 18,Him and Alex have an understanding- you can have illegal alcohol in the dorm room- just don't get caught- if you do it's on you.

Jack didn't bother with a glass, drinking straight from the bottle. The room filled with a tense silence as Alex and Rian exchanged glances.

Alex cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "What's your deal, Jack?"

Normally, Jack would have shot back a sarcastic remark about Alex minding his own business, but tonight was different. He needed to talk. "Zack just told me he's in love with me."

Rian paused his game, turning his full attention to Jack. "Wait, what?"

"Zack is Jack's friend, and they're fuck buddies, who like to cuddle a lot."Alex explained to Rian.

Jack narrowed his eyes at Alex. "Thanks for simplifying that to make it seem so simple. Zack is like my one friend here, and not to mention, we are lifelong family friends."

"Sounds like that was a bad decision for you guys to get sexually and romantically involved." Rian said pointedly.

Jack just glared at him.

"Why do you know so much about it anyway?" Jack retorted to Alex.

"I live here too? I know you like to ignore my existence practically every second of every day, but despite that I still exist." Alex spits out - more than a bit annoyed

Jack felt a bit bad after Alex said that, because it's true. Jack has disliked Alex since the beginning. And Jack didn't really have a reason why, they kind of just didn't ever really vibe from the beginning.

Jack assumes it is because Alex stereotyped Jack  as a stuck up rich boy, which she probably comes across as that... he doesn't mean to. But he does.

Jack took another swig of wine, his face flushed with a mix of frustration and alcohol.

"So he said he is in love with you?" Alex asked cautiously- against his better judgment.

"Yeah, he dropped the L-bomb, and now everything's messed up. We're supposed to spend two weeks together on a family trip over spring break. We leave in three days. I can't believe this is happening right now." Jack groaned.

Alex leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "Why do you even go on a joint family vacation?"

Jack sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

"Our moms are best friends. Like grew up together, went to college together, and lived together until they got married type of lifelong friends. I live in Chicago, and Zack lives in Baltimore, so we don't see each other often. Every year, our families take a trip together. We've been doing it since we were ten. We only see each other for about two weeks a year, but we follow each other on socials. We found out we were going to the same college, and now we see each other nearly every day. We've become really close." Jack revealed.

"I'll say. You  have been inside each other."  Rian said with a laugh.

Alex giggled at Rian's response.

Jack glared at them both, as they made fun of his struggle.

"Thanks for the support." Jack said sarcastically.

"Look. I am sorry you feel unsupported, But you have to admit we aren't really friends and this is the longest conversation we have all ever had. You barely acknowledge Rian when he is here." Alex said plainly.

Even Jack had to admit he was right.

"Ok you are right, I am sorry. I just really need to vent and I realize. I came in here and was quite disruptive." Jack said with a heavy sigh as he sat at one of the barstools  on the kitchen island.

As he sat- Jack sat the bottle of wine next to him.

Rian looked at Alex curiously at the state Jack was in.

"Alright. Talk if you want." Alex said with a sigh.

Alex and Rian listened intently, a rare occasion for the three of them to have a meaningful conversation. The tension in the room seemed to ease slightly as they sympathized with Jack.

"So, what are you going to do?" Rian asked.

Jack's eyes lit up with a sudden idea. "I have a crazy idea," he said, looking directly at Alex. "What if we pretend to be dating? You can come on the trip with me and get Zack to leave me alone romantically."

Alex laughed, shaking his head. "That's stupid. No one will believe it."

Rian chuckled. "Do you even know if Alex is gay or bi?"

Jack smirked. "I live with the guy. I've heard his hookups... and I've heard more than just girls."

Alex blushed a bit, trying to maintain his composure. "So what?"

Jack took another swig of wine. "I'll pay you. $1500. Or pay for your books for the next semester. Something.  I'll cover all the flights and food for the trip. My family is wealthy; my dad's a doctor and my mom's a therapist. I know you're here on a scholarship because I've overheard you venting to Rian about it. You could use the money and a free trip to the Bahamas."

Alex sighed, glancing at Rian, who shrugged. "Let me think about it," Alex finally said.

Jack nodded, feeling a slight sense of relief. "Okay. Just let me know soon. I can't face Zack alone right now."

With that, Jack retreated to his room, leaving Alex and Rian in the common area. The wine bottle still clutched in his hand, he closed the door behind him, hoping that tomorrow would bring some clarity to the tangled mess his life had become.

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