It's Not Perfect- But It's A Start

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Jack took a sip of his iced coffee, letting the cool liquid refresh him as he kept glancing across the table at Alex. Hoping that Alex would break the silence first.

While he looked - he noticed the early afternoon sun streamed through the café windows, casting a soft glow on Alex's face.

Jack couldn't help but admire him, even with the heavy conversation looming between them. It felt surreal to be here, sharing a meal and stolen glances with his semi-newly discovered favorite person on earth.

"So," Jack began cautiously, setting his coffee down, "I know we've got a lot to figure out. I just want to know where we stand... what your conditions are for us to move forward.I know. I have been groveling for days now- but- I will to continue to do so. Whatever it takes babe. "

Jack winced at the use of the word babe. He never meant to make Alex uncomfortable. He had to admit... he liked the sound of it.

"Sorry Lex." Jack apologized

Jack figured they needed to start somewhere. And he knew that he wanted to make Alex comfortable.

"Don't be. Calling me babe just now just made  my toes curl in such a good way." Alex said with a smile.

Alex spoke but his gaze never left the table. After a moment, Alex  took a deep breath, then looked up, meeting Jack's eyes with a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

"We need to start over, Jack," he said, his voice steady but soft. "From the beginning. I want you to fix things with Zack, apologize if you can. He deserves that closure. I realize that now."

Alex paused for a moment- a far away look in his eyes.  Jack wondered if he was thinking about Zack- feeling guilty what Alex unintentionally put him through.

"And... I want you to court me properly." Alex concluded.

Jack blinked, absorbing Alex's words.

"Court you?" he repeated, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Like, take you on dates? Make sure I do this right?"

Alex nodded, his own lips quirking into a shy smile.

"Yeah, exactly that. We jumped into things so fast, and I think... I think we need to do this the right way, if we're going to have any chance at all." Alex stated simply.

It made sense. They fell for each other so deeply and so quickly. It was a bit of a whirlwind. They deserve a chance to slow down.

Jack nodded, understanding.

"I get that, Alex. And I want to do this right too. I really do." Jack pleaded.

A moment of silence settled between them, the weight of their past mistakes lingering in the air. Jack decided to address one of the biggest issues first.

"Before I left the Bahamas," Jack began, his tone serious, "I talked to Zack. It was... hard, but we talked it out. He's still hurt, and it's going to take time, but I think we're okay for now. He said he needs time to heal, and I respect that."

Alex's expression softened with relief.

"That's great news, Jack. I was worried about you two. I know things may always be broken- but- I think you and Zack can maybe be friends again someday." Alex said hopefully.

Jack shrugged.

"I am not sure... what I did to him was pretty fucked up. When I talked to him, he actually called me an idiot for pushing you away like that. Everybody was calling me an idiot for doing what I did to you and what I did to him. Even my mom- the least gentle therapist in the world in that moment." Jack admitted with a light laugh.

"I think things will recover- It's not perfect, but it's a start." Jack concluded.

Alex nodded, visibly relaxing.

"That's good to hear. Zack's important- and I want things to be right between you. Also selfishly- I think it is a little funny and incredibly kind how much your family defended me." Alex said with a warm smile.

Alex paused for a beat.

"Your mom was right though- you were acting like an idiot. But I still like you anyway." Alex said a smile.

They both laughed over Alex's statement.

Jack reached across the table, hesitating for a split second before taking Alex's hand in his.

"I promise, I'll do everything I can to fix this. And as for courting you... I'd like to take you on a proper first date. Give us a real second chance." Jack said as he looked right into Alex's eyes.

Alex's smile brightened, his eyes sparkling with a mix of hope and affection.

"That sounds nice, Jack. I'm staying at my mom and dad's for the rest of spring break, but when I get back to campus... I'd love to go on that date." Alex concluded.

Jack's heart swelled at Alex's words.

"I'd really like that, Alex. More than anything." Jack said graciously.

They sat there for a moment, just holding hands, the tension between them easing into something softer, more hopeful. Jack's thumb brushed over the back of Alex's hand, savoring the warmth and familiarity.

"I'm really grateful for this second chance," Jack said earnestly, his voice thick with emotion. "I swear, I'm not going to ruin it this time. I am done running from how I feel."

Alex's gaze was stern, but there was a sweetness behind it that made Jack's heart skip a beat.

"I hope you don't, Jack. I really want this to work, but we have to promise to be honest with each other. No more secrets. No more lies." Alex said- his voice also thick with emotion.

Jack squeezed Alex's hand gently. "I promise, Alex. I never want to be less than honest with you again."

With that understanding between them, they finished their breakfast, the conversation lightening as they began to flirt playfully. Jack teased Alex about his "usual" order, while Alex poked fun at Jack's cluelessness about the café. They laughed together, the tension from earlier slowly dissolving, replaced by the easy camaraderie they had always shared.

After they finished eating, Alex and Jack stood up to leave, and Alex led them back out into the sunshine. As they walked down the street, Jack couldn't help but feel a lightness in his chest, like the weight of the last few days had finally begun to lift.

When they reached Jack's car, they paused, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Jack turned to face Alex, a soft smile on his lips.

"Thanks for today, Alex. For... giving us another chance." Jack said truthfully.

Alex smiled back, a hint of bashfulness in his expression.

"I'm glad you came back, Jack. It means a lot to me." Alex admitted.

Without thinking, Alex leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Jack's cheek. The touch was soft, barely there, but it sent a jolt of electricity through Jack's entire body. When Alex pulled back, Jack was left standing there, dazed and grinning like a fool.

Alex chuckled at Jack's expression, his own cheeks a little pink.

"I'll see you when I get back to campus," Alex said, his voice warm and affectionate.

Jack nodded, still a bit stunned.

"Yeah... see you then." Jack said wistfully.

With one last smile, Alex turned and headed back toward his house. Jack watched him go, his heart racing and a goofy smile plastered on his face. He stood there for a moment, savoring the lingering warmth of Alex's kiss before finally getting into his car.

As he drove away, Jack felt more hopeful than he had in a long time. This was their chance to start over, to do things right. And he wasn't going to waste it.

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